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Posts posted by Huw

  1. Hiya, it's us from Autumn Jams again...


    Screamo for the masses influenced by the likes of Jerome's Dream, Orchid and doing it their way. Fast, abrasive, yet pretty catchy riffs and desperate vocals over some pretty frenetic drumming. Lush! Debut album came out tail end of last year on Holy Roar recs (Dananananaykroyd, The Ergon Carousel, Rolo Tomassi)

    Maths (Booking April Tour) on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads


    Reletive vets of the British rawk scene are recently reformed after over a yearlong hiatus and are back on the road. Moments of heaviness mixed with lovely melancholic interludes. Influence by the likes of Sometree, At the Drive In and Coalesce. albums available to buy now and new stuff en route I think.

    Jairus - PROMO VIDEO UP on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads


    Glasgow boys' first jaunt up here in forever. They also play a brand of post-hardcore, but more like a mix between Deftones and Botch. New bassist who used to play in No Kilter and new 'sample' tracks up sounding the best yet.

    The Ocean Fracture [NEW TRACK SAMPLE UP NOW!] on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads


    Pretentious local 3 piece who don't like playing stuff for too long. Think parts that sound like Kolya, Meet Me in St Louis and Sinaloa. New 'ep' out on Art for Blind recs (Mesa Verde, Shermer, Twisted, What Price,Wonderland!)

    Carson Wells on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads


    7TH APRIL 2010



  2. I wanna bass it up!

    Really wanting to get into playing again, so note me down as interested!

    Sweet. We got like 3 interested bass parties, so we'll see how it goes, but your interested has been noted.

    Could really do with A DRUMMER!

    EDIT: for those of you that know him, Ashley Park is playing the other guitar.

  3. Yeah, 250 discs for 200. That is 80p a disc. Can't really see us getting a better deal than that to be honest.


    That is cheap. I sound like a salesman on this thread, but I looked for ages and I couldn't find anything better. Seems the best for vinyl too. 200 7"s for just under 400 I think with cardboard sleeves an' all.

  4. Aye, all I need is the discs replicated properly and silk-screened for me. I fancy making card sleeves and I have contacts at printers in town that I'm sure I can get a good rate from. I'll also be doing the design for artwork myself so that saves more money.

    We need to work out our options really, but I don't want to put out CD-Rs with shitty full face labels and hand cut photocopied inlays.

    That's cool. that link is def your place then. I'm sure you can get 200 silk screened CDs on a spiondle for dirt cheap.

  5. I got all our bits done seperately, The Foyer duplicated and printed the CDs for us for 1 per disc (though they gave us a big discount IIRC). Repro Overflow (nears Toms) did the covers and they were really nice people as well. That was supposed to be around 30-40 for 50 covers but they've always given me discount for cash. We just bought the boxes in Tesco, they are cheap as fuck..

    Yeah. The good thing about that mobineko place is that if you addor change stuff on (6 page instead of 4 page book fore example), it doesn't cost tonnes extra. All this in very short runs (as low as 50 I believe), which is great for any bands - local or otherwise -that want a professional pressing job done.

    And they do deals on common runs eg. run of 200 CD w/ 4 pg book let shrink wrapped in regular jewel case.

  6. Turning 13 celebrate the release of their first musical output post-hiatus - the single for 'String She Pulled' released on Fat Hippy Records.

    The first 200 folks in will get a free copy of the single and the running order looks a little like this!


    ONSTAGE 8 8.30


    ONSTAGE 8,45 9.15


    ONSTAGE 9.30 10


    ONSTAGE 10.15 10.45


    ONSTAGE 11

    FRI 26th MARCH



    19:30 DOORS

  7. not angular hardcore, but i really want to do some balls out really easy and cheesy euro style skreamo, ya know? predictable chord progressions. dun dun dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-de-de-de-de-de-de-de, etc etc. like old raein but waaay more cheesy and less italian. like having to stop to cry and wipe tears on your sleeve and beat the floor.

    what like "I can't remember as time when I was goooood at something".

    This may become something. Have another guitarist interested for defz.

    Can safely add BOW359 and general "down tuned emo-violence" to the mix of influences and prolly take out Young Widows.

  8. Beth used to play drums in Fault and Fracture for all 4 of our gigs. She was good too - definitely not just there for the sake of having a bird in the band.

    I'm generally dissappointed with girls who do aggressive vocals in bands, but there are a few that are decent (Broken Oath, Battle of Wolf 359, Punch).

  9. Sad news about Balcony. :(

    Attended so many good gigs in there, will be sorely missed.

    Season 07/08 was great.

    I mind there was that outrageously good show last time BOW were up with June Paik, Kaddish and Archives (i think). Damn exams made me miss it.

    People really should come to this to see 2 of the very best hardcore bands in the UK both at the top of their game.

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