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Posts posted by Huw

  1. Any bass playing in any Life Without Buildings song.

    Just to see you Smile by Spaceman 3 has pleasing bass playing.

    Slightly more contemporary, Beards by Errors is a really nice bassline.

    Yes to point 1 and 3. Beards stuck with me after the Errors gig too.

    P Diddy - Bad Boy For Life.

  2. Support added:


    One of very few bands from the capital we actually dig these days. Not miles away from what bands like Trapped in Kansas are doing, but more emo (in the best way) - with leanings towards the likes of Algernon Cadwallader. Their 3-track EP (that can be listened to on the myspace) is available to download for free! Go do that.

    your neighbour the liar on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

    Line up looks sweet now.

  3. Well, he said I could have a go. Although my "baby calf trying to stand for the first time after being born" style of stop start, mixed metaphor, confusing, poorly written journalism will probably not stand up next to the mans himself, I'll give it a crack.

    Okay cool. I'll just buy one then.

    Awesome! Thanks for that.

  4. Good stuff! I'll be writing a scathing review of your shitty music for Euans blog, nous aimons danser btw.

    I'd already asked Euan to do it, but either is fine.

    Although we will keep one aside for you if you really want, there is no need. There was 300 or 350 pressed of whihc we have 100. I don't see them running out in the next 4-6 years!

  5. Hullo.

    Just in case you hadn't notice the MULTITUDES of spam (sorry) on various social networking sites, our EP is ready.

    It was engineered, mixed and mastered about 6 months ago now by a certain Robin Sutherland (Stapleton, Mesa Verde, Copy Haho) and has been released by Dany at Art For Blind Records (Twisted, What Price, Wonderland!, Mesa Verde).

    We'll be selling them at gigs for 3. You can download the record for free and buy it (please) from AFBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB, where it'll cost an extra 1.50 for postage etc. We might try and get some into One Up too.

    If you do enjoy it and aren't going to make it to a gig, please buy this from Dany as he is a great guy and will appreciate your support!

    That's about it. We will be playing this coming Friday at Caf Drummonds where both Turning 13 and JJ Bull will have shiny new records and Min Diesel will be selling blowjobs. Surely at least one excuse to bring your CA$H MONY.

    Oh - any feedback would be great too!

  6. Autumn Jams Collective presents...


    Lovely, major key instrumental rock. Folky and uplifting with tons of good melodies and hooks. Nods to the likes of American Football Molia Falls and fellow Swedes Jeniferever. Will be lovely to see live.Touring after the release of their new LP out now on Deep Elm Records.

    Moonlit Sailor on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads


    Brilliant local acoustic singer songwriter influenced heavily by the likes of Elliot Smith, Mark Eitzel and Kozelek. New album is done and recorded and may even be available in some shape or form at this gig... In the meantime you can hear some of these corkers over on myspace.

    Ashley Park on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

    Other support TBC


    25th MAY 2010



  7. Not at stalk at all, but was in the Moorings last night and didn't see Teabags, which is entirely more noteworthy than being in the Moorings and seeing Teabags.

    EDIT: I can't be bothered reading the previous odd pages. Can somebody give me a brief epilogue of the John W and folk's bums saga?

  8. 'Aggressive' covers a lot of ground but The Slits, Siouxsie and The Banshees, ATR and Crystal Castles all spring to mind as bands I like with good aggressive female vocals. I guess a girl trying to sound like James Hetfield sounds as silly as a guy trying to sound like Kate Bush, though.

    Yeah, good point. I kinda meant all out howlin' and vomming.

    The girl from PUNCH is affa guid both vocally and aesthetically.

    U.S. tour 09 Photo Gallery - Photo 15 of 41 by PUNCH - MySpace Photos

    Sue from Life Without Buildings is a winner vocally too.

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