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The Subtle Arts

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Posts posted by The Subtle Arts

  1. Ufc

    Cheers, last release date i saw was for May. The graphics look awesome for it and from what i've read about the control system it should be pretty flexible as well.

    Ok the Penciled date was June 5th its been brought to May 29th but take that date with a pinch of salt before you get excited!

  2. Just a heads up about The Pitt - If you downloaded it this morning do not play it. I almost very nearly fired up my game to actually wonder whether my download finished from whence I left it this morning as I hadn't checked since getting back. The download itself was there but for some reason I could not see it listed in the top Fallout 3 downloads.

    It's basically been pulled form Live because of a corrupt file. The PC version is still ok, just the 360 Version. They are working on a fix but its not a good idea to play it if you have downloaded since it's removal as you'd probably end up joining the 1000's of kids screaming at Bethseda on their forums just now :S

  3. Dude if your wanting a huge stash of Quantum there is a factory South East just West of the river, you go there during that quest being able to pick up several bottles if you look around while you do the quest, however there is a book or something I forget which you pick up that adds a waypoint on your map to a huge box full.

  4. People taking shit seriously on a forum, think I'm done with this place! Doesn't take much does it!

    Thread of hypocrisy is win. What is serious anymore? Perhaps everyone should go to 4chan more and lighten up! Point is it wasn't any of you, and if it was you then you wouldn't have got the joke from myself or a collaegue... infact you probably wouldn't have got it fullstop. You can take jokes from your friends but once the button is pushed it's shocking!

    Apparently.. >_>

  5. Rofl, taking things seriously again, it's been in the news about the racism about games thanks to Resi 5 it was a talking point between customer and myself, I know the chap is an avid gamer he didn't take offense just didn't think someone would make light of the situation. Guess you had to be there kinda thing. Nevermind!

    Ps. Manager laughed also

  6. You've been on 4chan for 5 years and you still take the internet seriously?!

    What the hell is wrong with you!?

    I don't think you gots it dude! Pretty much like everyone else, so all is forgiven, in real life you would have noted I was pulling your leg... even though come to think of it it still goes over peoples heads and they take me seriously...

    Guy bought Farcry 2 and Resi 5 the other day, after handing back his change and sorting out his card I said here's your 2p change your reciept and 2 white power points added to your loyalty card...

    Even for a gamer he was pretty uptight about that!

  7. i don't know what its like getting slapped in the face by the bottom string of a 5 string bass

    Never had it in the face but right across my neck, which is close enough. 4 years ago on stage at Isle of Skye Fest, stang like a fucker looked like I had an extra large viegn in my neck!

    As for Warwicks, they sound sweet I would be tempted but I traded my own corvette for what I'm using now, had it almost 6 years now. I wouldn't mind a dolphin however :)

  8. internet forums aren't real life.


    Then surely if someone was to call you a faggot online your ok with it? Tell me, when your online and talk to your friends... the next day when you meet up with them is it like whatever you discussed or spoke about just didn't happen?

    To say the internet isn't real, yet you are using it is abit weird. If someone insulted me or others to the point where it had gone too far then there are always ways to find out where people live. I'm not talking about ALL forums or manner of sites but this one in particular because everyone knows someone in Aberdeen and it would be no time at all before there was a knock at your door and awkardness.

    The internet is unfortunately taken SERIOUSLY. It's getting to the point where you can't even do something on Facebook anymore before it stirs shit up.

  9. I've posted this before, and can't remember the outcome of said post because I had no other reason to be on the forums. Now from time to time I do come on more often to check out gigs etc. and catch up with others.

    There are alot of culprits, never the same ones mind you, who do go about talking back, spreading their opinions like the word is gods alone and generally arrogant high horse bollocks. Before I moved to Aberdeen I found this site useful in searching for a band, put was put off. On asking others about the site the general consensus was don't bother. This wasn't anything to do with the site itself but more so about the people who posted.

    Aberdeen is a small place. A forum of such ilk isn't the place for anything other than info and sensible debating. Until recently I had no problem but with posting my own experiences, ideas/opinons but they immeadiatly were shot down without even a sensible point made or constructive critiscm and then the fact I'm not even from Aberdeen became as issue which was borderline bigotry. Funny enough it's a different story when I bring it up in person face to face or passing by to those that were so quick to talk shit because I for one won't have people I have met or yet to but will no doubt bump into talk like an arse and I WILL bump into you at somepoint. So be prepared and don't go red faced and wimp out like the last person did.

    Overall I think Mods need to stick to strict rules to a degree, not so much decide if they take offence but because others do. Also locking threads or warning those that start what is going to become pages of bull, throwing threads off topic and making themseleves look stupid. There are several threads from time to time that end up with people having a spat and like I said at the begining it doesn't look all that great to newcomers.

    For a music forum everyone should be backing the scene and others.

    Just my thoughts on it...

  10. Cheers for taking the time on that one.

    From my experience a lot of "errors" are due to poor set-up and user error, but i will concede that even my one on the occassion has done some bizarre stuff over the time i've had it (but nothing that would send me into a blind fit of rage about it).

    99.9% (of satistics are all made up) of the time my PS3 works both streaming wirelessly music and video-wise faultlessly. I've never had a problem with game freeze or problems with the Blu Drive myself. I've never had a problem with HDMI sync with my TV either, something that i know people do sometimes have issues with using certain types of TV.

    The random network errors tend to happen more on PS3s that are set-up over a wireless network and vary a lot depending on which sort of network you have it set up on.

    Being a PC gamer yourself i'm sure you're aware that PCs have a random habit of doing very uncharacteristic things so they're no different to PS3s in that respect yet i can't imagine you getting on a forum spouting that all PCs are shit.

    I'm on AVForums all the time and keep an eye on problems in both the PS3 and Xbox sections and to be honest the PS3 forum isn't littered with as many "my (insert console here) is totally bricked!" threads as the Xbox one.

    I have nothing against the Xbox at all, it's a great wee machine for gaming and i'm sometimes envious of the titles that it gets but for the most part it's a shoddily put together piece of kit which Microsoft QC should be shot for. The PS3 is miles more reliable.

    I'm sure that if you compare PS3 owners on here and the take a percentage of those who've had problems and compare that to Xbox 360 owners on here that have had problems it'll be a fairly one-sided statistic.

    I've certainly taken in what you've said and taken it on board but as i said before i have a different side to that story so i'm still not enclined to favour your take on things.

    I take back my Xbox Fanboy insult then and i'll change it to PC snob ;)

    PC Snob is fine for me. I'm addicted to gamerpoints right now so my PC gets shunted only for forums rants and designing haha.

    I agree with how you see things. I do believe MS rushed the console out, providing support for it is all fine and dandy but it's the principal it shouldn't happen but the PS3 is the same and only now is Sony offering the same support. You are one of a percentage that doesn't encounter a problem touch wood.

    I'm on my 3rd Xbox and it's showing signs of what could be a laser fault. I've moved twice in the last 5 months so it wouldn't suprise me if it's had a knock or two.

    Right I'm off to work, and also to think about what games to play tonight! Any ideas for easy achievements, I'm in a gamerscore challenge haha!


  11. Care to back that up a little. The only "known" problem with the PS3 is a problematic BD drive. There are a lot more faulty Xboxs than PS3s.

    Your blanket statements are pretty stupid and ignorant if you ask me. If you would like to back up a little of what you say with some statistics i'll reconsider your point of view because as it stands i know different and you just come across as an Xbox fanboy.

    This is my 3rd attempt at posting from my ever so dusty PS3 so fingers crossed!

    Phil as it stands you know different, keep up to date a bit and you might understand a bit more. It's a bit ignorant of you to say the only 'known' problem is the BD drive. There are MANY problems with the PS3. This ranges from simple things like syncing and setting up wireless networks - some PS3's don't even work at all regarding that.

    There are many warnings the machine displays when a non-error occurs. This means there isn't an error at all regarding the displayed problem and the majority of these known issues are due to various connectivity issues. The randomness is sometimes linked to corruption due to network login errors, firewalls, or simply by just leaving your blu-ray disc in the tray while attempting multi-tasking!

    Yes your right about there being more faulty Xboxs. Well done, who hasn't heard about that?! Still even with a 2 year lead over the PS3 xboxs come back alot more but with the same and only common problems. Over heating, RROD, HD failures. PS3 as I said has MANY more problems than an Xbox360 does. Just the same it suffers from over heating, HD failures and 20x more so other problems you just wouldn't have with an Xbox.

    And the majority of PS3 users will vouch and curse the umpteenth time at the rate some errors occur for no reason.

    80GB models seem to be ok in the hardware dept. despite Sony claiming they are reducing size of some components. Sound familiar? Other than that you can't get 40GB models anymore for reasons being the first hardware launch they indeed had many a problem yet it was the only version to offer gamers backwards compatibility! I havn't play tested or seen a 160GB model working but from what friends have said and general feedback from consumers have said to me personally or within ear shot is that all is well after their 1st/2nd and even 3rd console.

    To the statistics just check out some of the leading games industries websites for detailed info. Check retailers, check company stock reports, excess and control. Or head on over to the Sony forums where you will probably shit bricks.

    Or from another perspective. What reason do gamers have to play their PS3? Other than being a hyped up BR player surely with the 6-8 exclusives that are available doesn't make for it being used consistantly as much as Xboxes do hence those still unknown factors for regurgitating errors. With an Xbox you play it and do whatever it provides hassel free until 1 of 3 things. With a PS3 the likelyhood of it surviving is far greater but getting it to do what it says it does is another thing.

    I'm not a fanboy, I just prefer the 360 because it provides alot more. My 360 is always on for many things like music. I can play music all day on my 360 without..

    8002b241 - DVI has no audio. - not even using DVI wtf?!

    80028EA5 - Unknown

    8001006F - Connectivity Issues etc... even though I am connected...

    ...but at the end of the day I'm a PC gamer. That's where my gaming really stepped up. I use Windows which I suppose is a Microsoft thing so I guess that still means I'm a fanboy *yawn. And Shit yeah PC's and errors! Don't get me started.

    Right I'm off to put back in the 360 and watch a film in 1080p streamed from my external HD without a hitch. Not to rub it in but if I was to try this with my PS3... which doesn't even upscale for gods sake...


    And by the way, I don't go saying shit on a forum for no fucking reason other than to spread a fact or voice opinion. If I have absolutly no experience or knowledge on the matter I would STFU and not say anything. So don't be quick to make assumptions if your ok to reconsider dude! Which if you don't take in anything it's ok, it's natural that you probably won't want to anyway!

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