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Everything posted by roopy

  1. fukin hell, take a worm for a walk week were pretty fuckin sweet. nice one. fukin nice one. sorry we had to leave half way through the guy from dyse, rikki's girlfriend was calling
  2. you sent that twice you weirdo! i love you, no hate, no love, no hate, yes HATE. joe you'd better not take off in them shoes mid way through the set. actually tou...you cld and fly round the tunnel's like superman, or mario, you might have to buy a big lead though..oh, or you could have a wireless lead..wait a minute a wireless guitar..wait a minute..eh
  3. nae worries big man. 50.99 reduced offer x
  4. aye i think they are on first. then dedalus then copyhaho. 9/9.30ish for colon maybe spose?
  5. i heard mini was wearing a politik tanktop and looking hot in it
  6. ayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeaye...................tunnels.............thursday16thmarch............................copyhaho................................dedalus..................................colonopenbracket or sumfin........................................................................xx
  7. microkorgs are good. u used the word whack..HAHAHAHAHAHA
  8. damn right gavin. you inspired me to be gay. xxxxx x xfluffy rabbitsxxx,penis's and big huggy bears Xx
  9. yes tis me you cunt jibber gibber dgjibber x x lightning bolt
  10. lightning bolt common no need for any other thread. just keepin it aware. cunts
  11. it's OK everyone. glasgow and edinburger are not far away from here. GO and see them. Bus, Train, Car.........i do it all the time. it'l all be fine.
  12. i saw battle(S) twice on the same night. at ATPi was happy. you's were probably sad at the time
  13. earth, wind and fire! only uncool to losers............all of you!
  14. i just got the heLLA dvd! fukin sweet! i'm watching it right now in my pant's
  15. bbbbbbbbbbbbbboooooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! every cunt in aberdeen better come to this fucking gig!!! if you dont your a dick. and if you live near aberdeen or not near aberdeen dont be a pussy and get to the gig. fuck you's all! if you have a gig on the same night who care's about it cause it will be pish anyway! 11111111000000000000982379013784160987236202989730100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times worse than lightning bolt. even if your a cunt who listens to rubbish, come anyway. you better come. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXX bye
  16. we pushed bobby down a hill this one time! hines was shite, but copyhaho were fukin amazing!!!
  17. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbooooooooooooooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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