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Posts posted by stuartmaxwell

  1. they will always have a place in my heart, one of those bands that I was into pretty early on and had seen them more times than I care to remember, I kinda fell away at the bob departure time and never really got back onto the saddle, their stuff up to that point is timeless though. One of my biggest regrets was not buying queen of the troubled teens on 7" for about 5 when I had the chance. I did have chandelier and satan polaroid 7"s which I sold to huntedbyafreak during a moment of skintness

    remember seeing em in glow303 but the little discourage lemon tree show is, still to this day, one of the best gigs I ever went to. it was fucking electric and they were fucking relentless! IN THE WEST WE WHITEWASHED ALL OF OUR CHILDREN....

    im sure I still have the red captain tshirt kicking around somewhere....

  2. high quality big cabs that are this reliable and well built generally have a poor sell on price because

    a) they always come up because people can't house/transport em and need to shift em quickly

    b) it doesn't matter if they are covered in gashes or brand new, they still sound great, why pay more?

    c) why pay for a flight case when they are rock fucking solid and still sound great after being thrown down the stairs?? the only people that need a flight case are people who take them on flights and in this day and age, no bastard flies these around when they can hire em

    I know I'd be looking to buy one at 500 and not a great deal more

    If you were to flog the flight case separate, you would make more money

  3. Kenny and Cindy Black are followed out of the Montrose Boardroom by Chairman Brian Winton who resigned on Saturday night citing "it is no fun anymore" (no shit sherlock). It also looks like John Paton is to follow, which is very worrying. Apparently the debt attached to the plastic pitch is crippling us because some idiot signed a bank loan with a silly rate weeks after telling fans it was all paid for.

    we are very much a club in crisis/debt etc See STV tonight for further details....

    Will I have a club to support next year?

  4. that wasnt meant to be a snidey comment jimmer, just meant does it come across the same way live?

    lots of bands pull this type of recording off but then fail to translate it live and it's usually just a muddy mess of notes. obviously you know a lot about gear/tone and i wondered if you have managed to achieve the same clarity live as it comes across on record?

    looking forward to catching it at some point!

  5. dont like the vocals when he does the high pitched yelling, the tunes themselves sound pretty well put together on my laptop speakers

    do you pull off the same clarity live? one of the things i loved about executive distraction tasks was that it was super fast and technical but you could hear every little note like the recordings.....

  6. For example, a band like Stapleton will sound good anywhere.

    except for al and andys vocals at times :p

    do agree though, cal is a good engineer and generally gets the best sound possible for bands in drummonds but you generally can't polish a turd much.

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