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Posts posted by stuartmaxwell

  1. Manatees had a song in the middle that started with the delayed bass, where the drummer kept the drums slow and simple. THAT was their dynamic and it was incredible. Never liked em much before but they were pretty awesome last night, not huge on the fast drumming as I love the hypnotic slow stuff.

    Taint were probably stole it for me, it's more my thing: 45 riffs per song driven really simple, energetic and groove laden rythmn-ing. When I say simple, I mean really cool time signature that sound like they are 4/4. 3/4, 4/3 but are actually much more complex. Love watching that guy playing drums.

    Missed Dross as I was playing fitba but i'd probably rather see them once they have done some more gigs.

  2. hahah aye he is a big dog, gives people a fright when they walk in the moorings and he is waiting for them! and yeah its weird seeing you in a suit maxi, was trying to be professional and not shout MAXI YOU CUNT HOW YOU DOING!

    Yeah, I thought I'd best to avoid shouting " SOUL_CAPTAIN! You look in a much better state than the last time I saw you etc" but did actually mean to say hello. how rude.

  3. one vote in the direction of Dennis Marshall.

    Not only does the guy have electrical current running through his veins and a valve for a heart; he goes well beyond the call of duty and ends up making your amp sound as great as it possibly can (and his rates are excellent).

  4. i was at one of the very first jesu gigs (king tuts, officer and shazbot were there too) and even though it was laden with technical probs it was mighty. Seen em support Isis (yawn) and 35 mins was perfect for them. Technically yes, they were shit live, but I liked them so much at that point that I still totally enjoyed the live experience. Never really followed much around conqueror and beeyond...

    They never did better Heartache in my opinion, although Silver was a great release....

  5. i was taking a look at how Montrose target Paddy Deane (ex hibs youngster) got on at Darlington and by ALL accounts he was absolutely dreadful in every possible way with nearly every second comment on the forum about him mentioning "he isn't a footballer". Funnily enough in the game he played as a trialist for us last year I thought the same.

    i wonder how he would do in the 3rd division, I mean, lets face it, your either a footballer with a first touch etc or you arent; regardless of what league you play in

    other than this, all is looking much better at the mo. more experienced players, larger squad pool and a good backroom team in place before preseason

    Raith tomorrow at LP :)

    turns out dene scored in a closed doors 4-0 win against Dundee Violet last night


  6. i was taking a look at how Montrose target Paddy Deane (ex hibs youngster) got on at Darlington and by ALL accounts he was absolutely dreadful in every possible way with nearly every second comment on the forum about him mentioning "he isn't a footballer". Funnily enough in the game he played as a trialist for us last year I thought the same.

    i wonder how he would do in the 3rd division, I mean, lets face it, your either a footballer with a first touch etc or you arent; regardless of what league you play in

    other than this, all is looking much better at the mo. more experienced players, larger squad pool and a good backroom team in place before preseason

    Raith tomorrow at LP :)

  7. jcm2000 ain't that great for that kind of stuff Jay (I am assuming it is Jay)

    Orange is worth the investment if you can. I used Scotts Orange Rockverb 50 last night and it is absolutely outstanding for the money 1k (finance it?). It was fat, full of sustain, bright and and has the perfect compression for sludgey stuff. Speak to him about it, seriously amazing. You wouldn't have to buy another amp again.

    A Matamp is obviously an amazing purchase too

  8. Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    No. Or maybe. The spellin mistakes are from typin on my phone. In bed. Listening to Soul_captain have sex next door. Now he's talking to her. Poof.

    was Soul_Captain bringing the house down, or is he a caring,sensitive lover?

  9. thought I had posted on this already.

    great night.

    never caught katerwaul but have never really been into em so no loss to me, a few people raving about them afterwards though.

    UH were absolutely outstanding, there was no other way to describe it. Huge sound where I was standing and seamless execution with the instrumentation, the art of belief was incredible and a nice surprise, still think Craig on his own is as good as anything/anyone. solstice went right up my spine and neck, simply stunning. I still regard the Craig B gig at Drakes as one of the best gigs I have ever witnessed....

    Good to see a healthy, attentive and appreciative crowd. As always with IMP they get the vibe "right" and good to see em still going strong (good to see that UH appreciate / respect their efforts too!)

  10. us fans are currently working with the board at the moment to plan and realign short and long term objectives for MFC. Given the plight of lower league footy in Scotland, it's hardly surprising that everybody is having to rally behind their clubs more than ever. I'm actually taking on a commercial role at the club.

    I'm intentionally not thinking/talking about the playing side for the season ahead for as long as possible :D

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