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Posts posted by stuartmaxwell

  1. It's probably the most creative video section by anyone, in any sport, ever. and Pentagram works REALLY well with it.

    im frankly amazed at what boarders do these for tricks days. When I used to skate when I was younger I always remember thinking it's only a matter of time before guys have everything licked. don't get me wrong, hitting escalators and escalators underrails are old ones but I was talking about the other tricks!

  2. Nice to see Brewster is taking credit for Dundee United's success:

    Craig Brewster: I laid foundations for Dundee Utd's current success - The Daily Record

    What a prick.

    his interviews are pretty different elsewhere and it seems odd that he would do multiple different press conferences before the biggest RC game ever. it's been edited/stitched to make him sound like a dick. I have it on pretty good authority that he is a top bloke and def not arrogant...

  3. i doubt ill be supporting anyone. being honest, international football kinda bores me most of the time. i'm not a scotland supporter but I do try to watch the games and even then I kinda switch off sometimes....

  4. they should give it to the fans for having to put up with that shit this season.

    lets be honest here, the fans hardly "put up" with anything!

    most of em fucked off when they weren't winning, the majority of the ones that did stick around slagged the club to f**k and generally gave the players and manager a really hard time for the majority of the time. To me that is not deserving of any award other than 3rd worst fans in the SPL.

  5. meh, I was pretty shite all season. Sadly I have little or no knowledge of the EPL and didnt pay enough attention to it make regular subs and switches :(

    Did quite well in the 3rd division Fantasy Footy though, came 13th out of 70-odd and if it weren't for the poorly rearranged fixture mixing with injuries list I reckon I'd have charted much higher with my team

  6. killie bring nothing to scottish football and havent for a long time. they also have nae fans and a hoor of debt. At least Falkirk operate within their means and bring on some decent kids.

    i would have loved to see Killie go down.

  7. that was pretty much me yesterday and for much of this season.

    Dejected, gut wrenched, flat, angry, frustrated, embarrassed, inconsolable, drunk: that summed up my day, I was emotionally wrecked by the end of the match yesterday and was generally no fun to be around. The bus home was fucking brutal too, 30 odd of us just absolutely scunnered with the worst season that the club have had for 60 years. The players should be thoroughly embarrased with themselves but it would appear that they couldn't give a flying fuck

    I think we can all relate with that guy and his Man Utd "supporting" mates

  8. thank fuck this season is done with....

    sadly we went 3-0 down after ten minutes today. Got it back to 3-3, got beat 4-3 in extra time. Bad weekend all round other than the fact I rounded the keeper for the first :p

  9. Ah well, that's us relegated :down:

    I thought getting thumped 4-1 at home by Airdrie was the season low, and then the absolute joke that was the 7-0 mauling by Caley took the fucking biscuit.

    It's hard to know who/what to blame really. I know some Ayr fans are calling for Brian Reid's head but at the end of the day he did manage to get us promoted last season in a really tough second division group.

    I think the most frustrating thing is we could have still stayed up despite getting completely outclassed by Airdrie and ICT in consecutive games and just threw it away. Nice to see a lot of goodwill towards Ayr from the Morton fans on the Pie and Bovril forums, a lot of them saying we were very unlucky and had the run of the match.

    do you go to games much?

  10. had a fucking awful season and I really can't wait for it to end on Saturday. I really have given it everything this season through the thin and thinner (financially, emotionally, physically) and I am looking forward to the break.....

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