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Stray Cat

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Posts posted by Stray Cat

  1. Aberdeen chairman Stewart Milne has graduated into the top 20 of football's richlist.

    The Dons' chairman is valued at £240 Million - three places and £40 Million ahead of Hearts' majority shareholder Vladimir Romanov, who lies in 21st place.

    Surely he wouldn't miss £10 million that would clear the clubs debt. The tight fisted bastard won't even fund a new stadium ffs. Cunts like that shouldn't be in charge of football clubs. If I had even quarter of what he has I would attempt to buy the cunt out.

  2. No point re-stating the ones said already (some of which are easier than others :p)


    Blur (guy on right)

    50 Cent (the big coin!)

    Spoon (the folk that did the OC song (look under the Eagles))

    Deep Purple (the building at the back)

    White Zombie (guy on left)

    Rooster (pic next to white zombie)

    Lemonheads (in the fruit)

    I though the white zombie was Michael Stipe? :D

  3. Travis were quite good at that first album stage' date=' then went rapidly downhill into blandness. Proud Mary were alright, nothing astounding. One of my mates dragged me to see them at the Forum last year I think it was, as he became unusually enamoured by them, I wasn't too impressed on that ocasion. Had the guy from The Smiths playing bass though...Andy Rourke is it?[/quote']

    Yeah that's right, I forgot about that gig. I remember being pissed off because the tickets had Proud Mary as the headliners but they put some band I'd never heard of on last and I thought they were shit. I thought Good Feeling was a great album but I was disappointed with The Man Who and everything that followed.

  4. Here's my very hipocritical opinion. I don't think the death penalty shoud be brough bac for all the reasons mentioned before' date=' mistakes being made, makes us no better than them etc.etc. But when I hear about a child being raped especially (not saying anyother rape is justified) Then I cannot think about a punishment bad enough for that person, I sometimes even think that the death death penalty is too leniant, then I think about the amount of money being spent to keep then in a a prison with tv and meals and Rah arah rah, rant rant rant. Excuse me whilst a scream. AARRRRRRRGGGGH. Yeah. If anyone made any sense out of that please explain to others what I'm trying to say.[/quote']

    OK, I admit that eye for an eye is dated and won't solve anything but this guy has a point. Why should we have to pay for them while in jail, a bullet is much cheaper than 3 meals a day for 14 years. Rapists should have their dicks cut off, shoved up their own arses then their arses stitched up.

    So unless there is 100% proof, which will never be the case there should be no death penalty.

  5. You may have heard them but I hadn't til now so here we go:

    To prepare for his big date, a young man went to the rooftop of his apartment to work on his tan. Not wanting any tan lines, he sunbathed in the nude but fell asleep and burned his penis.

    Not wanting to miss out on his date with the hot blonde, he applied some ointment to his manhood and wrapped it in gauze.

    The blonde showed up at his apartment and after dinner they went into the living room to watch a movie.

    During the movie, the young man's sunburn began to hurt. After several minutes of extreme discomfort, he asked to be excused. A friend had told him that milk was very effective in reducing sunburn pain. So he went to the kitchen, poured a tall glass of cold milk, and placed his sunburned member into the milk. He experienced immediate relief.

    The blonde, wondering what the young man was doing, wandered into the kitchen and found him with his shaft fully immersed in the glass of milk. With a look of undertanding the blonde exclaimed, "So that's how you load those things!" :D

    A train hits a bus load of Catholic school girls and they all perish. They are all in heaven trying to enter the pearly gates past St.Peter.

    St. Peter asks the first girl, "Jessica, have you ever had any contact with a penis?"

    She giggles and shyly replies, "Well I once touched the head of one with the tip of my finger."

    St. Peter says, "OK, dip the tip of your finger in The Holy Water and pass through the gate."

    St. Peter asks the next girl the same question, "Jennifer have you ever had any contact with a penis?"

    The girl is a little reluctant but replies, "Well once I fondled and stroked one."

    St. Peter says, "OK, dip your whole hand in The Holy Water and pass through the gate."

    All of a sudden there is a lot of commotion in the line of girls, one girl is pushing her way to the front of the line.

    When she reaches the front of the line St. Peter says, "Lisa! What seems to be the rush?"

    The girl replies, "If I'm going to have to gargle that Holy


    I want to do it before Tiffany sticks her arse in it.".

  6. I'm pretty sure If I knew that I would either be killed or maimed for commiting a crime' date=' I would stay right clear of doing that! although 100% proof without a doubt would be needed so people aren't going around with body bits missing.

    I'm sure if they did something like this we would all be 'armless :laughing:[/quote']

    Dunno about that but I'm always legless and it doesn't stop me being an arsehole :D

  7. Both times they've came up here they've chosen relatively small bands which were 100 times better than anyone could've possibly imagined. Noone had heard much about Travis when they played in 1997 and now they're huge. What a great gig that was. Proud Mary were also a success but only got the gig cos they're Noel's mates and also only got signed to Noel's record label for the same reason. Even though I quite liked their first album I wouldn't exactly say they set the world on fire. I wouldn't really like to guess who'd be supporting them this time around because there are so many up and coming bands that you would expect to fit the bill but they'll probably have someone you wouldn't expect.

  8. If there were to be a referendum tomorrow about it I can bet you that the 'people' would overwhelmingly vote to bring back the death penalty. However' date=' when someone was wrongly accused / killed it would be the same people that would try to abolish it.[/quote']

    That is why I believe that it would have to be rock solid. There's no way you could setence someone to death on a jury decision of 7-5.

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