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Stray Cat

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Posts posted by Stray Cat

  1. I asked an older friend who told me.

    The following year' date=' I had a chat with my younger sisters.

    "Santas nae real, but if you pretend you think he is, you'll get mare presents. Da tell mam or dad though!"

    Xmas day, all 3 of us up at 5am, into the living room, hud the bus, fars all the presents?

    "Remember, you said santa wasn't real!"

    My mum had heard everything I'd said, and to teach me a lesson, had hidden our presents![/quote']

    Haha. That's quality.

  2. I simply 100% disagree.

    Easy jets to london can cost you �30 a pop in advance.

    Kids... get a gig booked' date=' get on a plane.

    No excuses.

    End of.

    The problem with most aberdeen bands is they are too lazy to do this. Look at weapon, they've been whizzing up and down the country and what's happened? They are getting somewhere. They have worked for it and they deserve it.[/quote']

    Agreed. Gigs don't come to you. You have to work for them.

  3. In the non-dictionary definitional context of providing a figurehead for insurgents to recruit.

    You seem to be under the impression that there are no supporters of Saddam in Iraq' date=' that is incorrect, and there are plenty who would probably take up weapons against the coalition forces and Western states if Saddam was put to death.[/quote']

    I didn't say he had no supporters. If that was the case then there would have been no resistance when the war began. But I'm sure the families of the millions of victims would glady watch.

    I thought he ws being tried in Iraq by Iraqis?

  4. good idea' date=' let's turn him into a martyr[/quote']

    In which context?

    mar·tyr Pronunciation (märtr)


    1. One who chooses to suffer death rather than renounce religious principles.

    2. One who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle.


    a. One who endures great suffering: a martyr to arthritis.

    b. One who makes a great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy.

    tr.v. mar·tyred, mar·tyr·ing, mar·tyrs

    1. To make a martyr of, especially to put to death for devotion to religious beliefs.

    2. To inflict great pain on; torment.

    [Middle English, from Old English, from Late Latin, from Late Greek martur, from Greek martus, martur-, witness.]

  5. No one. And I mean no - one is as bad as Nigel Pepper. And do you remember how bad Thor Kristjanssen was last season? Or Jamie McAllister? Or David Winnie?

    Ritchie tries twice as hard as some of his team - mates.

    He's probably the least skilful player' date=' but he's better than Dempsey, Muirhead, Foster and Stewart, who I suggest drop down a couple of leagues or have a career re -think.

    Did anyone see how many challenges Muirhead backed out of on Sunday? Cardinal sin. If you're not willing to get stuck in and take one for the team, piss off. And he can't put in a decent cross for all the galloping up and down the wing he does. Dempsey has nae touch, is slow and can't shoot. He's just the kind of player I hate. A total nobody. Stewart scored a classic goal against Celtic and recorded a classic victory. I've seen him play at home and away games since and I cannot fathom why Jimmy even puts him in the squad. I always say - When Stewart comes on you know you're losing and you're never going to win. He's bloody awful. And Foster can just run to fuck. He's found his niche - He kicks the ball at Esson ten times before the game starts. That's all he's good for. A truly abysmal player.

    Crawford is on the fringe of the "awful list" at the moment as well - Did anyone see his "volley" attempt on Sunday? He really looks a shadow of his former self. His career has been on the slide since he left Dunfermline and lost the pleasure of having goals set up on plate for him by Brewster. Crawford must improve. And don't forget about Lovell either - A rare way to spend 200,000 - one league goal in the few appearances he's made and a heap of time out injured.

    Nicholson is finally starting to shine, but anyone with a brain would have played him in the middle from the outset and not shoved him out on the wing where he can't get involved.

    Jamie and Rus continue to be so much better than those around them I really feel sorry for them fighting such an uphill battle.

    Great result on Sunday, but I still think if we were to clear out the shite players and get in some tenacious workhorses we would be a much, much better team. "You're only as good as your worst players." We could so easily have put the game beyond Hearts in the first half if we had that little bit of extra quality.

    4 points off Rangers, including a 3 - 2 thriller at Pittodrie and the first point at Ibrox sice '97. A 1 - 1 draw with high - flying Hearts. Beaten twice by Killie. Home draws with Motherwell and Livingston. Out of the cup by Motherwell. It's been ups and downs so far to say the least.

    Jimmy has a lot of work to do. I hope he can turn things around.[/quote']

    I can see your point. But it's already been proved that the good players would rather sign for the likes of Dundee United or Kilmarnock. Lee Miller(who I hope now regrets his desicion), Danny Invincible and many more that I can't remember have all chosen clubs which are smaller purely because Aberdeen is miles away from anywhere. Even if we do get rid of all the shit who are we going to replace them with?

  6. Frog Twins..................thats ACE!! He is fuckin weird tho!!! He looks rude' date=' but not in a good way lol[/quote']

    If it's the same guy I'm thinking of, his name is Robbie but we called him ALF after the alien that used to be on tv. He used to hang about the Bon Accord centre and tell everyone he was from Mars. :D

    He claimed he ate 200 acid tabs for breakfast. One day my mate asked him where his spaceship was and said it was on the top deck of the car park. When my mate then asked him to take us for a spin he told him he had ran out of petrol. :D

  7. So lets bring in the Death Penalty for those that kill Police Officers.

    What about the innocent man that the police killed on the London underground? Does that mean they should get the death penalty too for incompetence?

    This is wrong and you know it.

    To be fair, it was not the officer that shot him that was at fault. It was the pish shoot to kill policy that Ian Blair or whoever enforced. That poor guy was doing what he was told as would anyone else if they were doing their job correctly.

    I think it's a joke that they are even talking about having one rule for killing police and different rules if you're a civilian.

    If you are willing to take someones life then you should be willing to give yours.

  8. So why has murder as a crime not been eradicated in the U.S. states which use the death penalty?

    A flaw in your logic there methinks

    Simply because they are on death row for years. To me thats more a case of keep him in jail as long as we can then kill him when we need more room. If murder is proved by DNA or cctv then the murderer should suffer the same fate of his/her victim. After all, life isn't life in this country so how do you know that when they get out they won't do it again?

  9. surely we're better than that? mistakes will be made if capital punishment is brought back. don't arm all the police and don't make rash decisions by bringing back the death penalty.

    britains system works pretty well with deaths of police and caused by police being much lower than other countrys. we shouldn't change a working system just because of a number of tragic mistakes. i'm all for increased jail terms for violent crime and the like but putting people to death makes us no better than those committing the crime in the first place.

    True. But maybe people would think again if they thought they would be executed. I think thats the idea anyway.

  10. Why just for Police officers?! Seems strange.

    If you have absolute proof then hang the bugger. Ian Huntley would be first on my list.

    Totally. Only if it can be proved by DNA or another way should it be brought back. They'd have a major problem if hey started hanging people on a split jury desicion.

  11. Just watching the lunchtime news on ITV and there talking about whether or not they should bring back the death penalty for those who kill police officers. Why should it be any different from killing civilians?

    As for all police being armed, I think that the shooting of the poor innocent Brazilian guy on the London underground proves that mistakes can be made.

    What are you views?

  12. Chuck on Spybot


    And the latest updates


    And run a scan. Sounds like it could be an IE hijack.....firefox is cool' date=' but the tabbed browing sometimes get a bit annoying when you close a window then realise you've lost about 15 different pages you had open. Does anyone know if this can be turned off?[/quote']

    When I close firefox it prompts me to remind me that I'm closing all the tabs.

  13. I agree that Dempsey isn't playing too well and I've went ballistic at some of his desicions. But looking back to the CIS Cup game against Motherwell - yes I know we were as shit as Livi on a bad day but Dempsey showed a few flashes of skill which both my mate and I were impressed with. One being a cheeky backheel when he was cornered by 2 or 3 players which had Ronaldinho written all over it. They then focused on JC who stood there in awe with a kind of speechless "you feckin show them gary" look on his face.

  14. One of my friends had the same problem for a few weeks and then one night when he was out in the country shitting in the middle of the woods he got knocked the fuck out by some farmer who then raped him with his pitbull's dick and then ate both his legs before he called for a taxi to take him home' date=' his MSN was fixed from then on which means all you need to do is shit in the woods and it also means that all farmers are rapists.[/quote']

    I actually started believing that till i got to the bit about the pittbull. :D

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