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Posts posted by daveladocus

  1. please tell me your kidding?

    haha, ye, although it does have a certain...charm. actually most of the gigs i've been a part of at the east neuk have been great fun, such a diy feel about them, and by the end almost everyone is dancing.also i'd give it bonus points for not having mirrors in the toilet, although some soap would be nice. and also the huge owl is awesome. and the fact that u always notice something new every time ur there. last time i spotted a picture of jesus up near the roof.

    but i guess they only really suit punk/hardcore/grindcore shows.

  2. The railnigs are for saftey reasons from what i gather, the same kind of thing you would find in any large venue, but your right saftey is a joke....

    ye, that's fair enough, but it still makes it my least favourite venue, playing and watching.

  3. i've heard quite a few bad things about tunnels recently, with regards to clubnights and moving of local gigs to the second tunnel, but i'm not sure if the latter has happened much. anyway, the people they're are really nice and it's always good playing there, don't need a huge amount of people to be there for it to look busy. and the stage isn't too high which i think is always a good thing.

    however, my vote is going to drummonds: it's free to hire the venue (50 quid at tunnels) and they don't have to make it free, it would still be fully booked if they charged 40 or 50 quid; eric is a total legend; all the staff are good; and in my opinion the sound on stage is the best in aberdeen.

    i would never vote for moshulu. as someone said there's been some great bands playing there and it can be great with lots of people in. but the railings at the front are a joke, making it horrible to be on stage, and the stage feels really far away when your watching too. also, easily beaten by drummonds and tunnels on their staff, in my opinion.

    finally, i have to say, where the smeg is the East Neuk in this list huh? next year maybe...

  4. the zine is almost finished now. it will include interviews with adequate 7, strike anywhere and rentokill, book/cd/live/film reviews, some attempts at what might be regular features (one of which is called 'Have i got Muse for you' , however kirk may veto this as i think he told me he was a muse fan), also a feature on critical mass, an upstarts tour diary, some kind of wrestling thing (get writing kirk u bitch - some people have no respect for deadlines!), and a few other bits and pieces (including a recipe for making a ska cake!!)

    after seeing king blues the other night i wish i'd made it a bit more political but nevermind, hopefully next time.

  5. when books become so popular they lose their appeal to me, the same with music and films, i don't like to think that a million other people are reading, listening or watching the same thing as me. and also the fact that by buying harry potter or the da vinci code it makes a disturbingly rich person even richer.

    so does everyone who wants to take part one to suggest one book then? what restrictions should be on it? not too long? easily available online or in aberdeen shops? just fiction, or any kind of book?

  6. i say we just go through all the £3 books in fopp in alphabetical order!

    i have a bad feeling this whole things going to lead to me reading the da vinci code or harry potter, that's what this crazy democratic 'read the most popular book' thing will give us. but ye, i guess everyone nominating one book would be the easiest and least controversial way

  7. Book Club... like we can swap our books through here via PM etc??

    Well if thats the crack then I got:

    Da Vinci code

    Angels & Demons

    Marching Powder


    Child called It

    K-Pax (Trilogy)

    at the moment available for swaapping..

    I'm looking for a similar line of books if we're doing this whole swap thang.

    it's more like everyone reads the same book and then discusses it, but maybe you could start a new thread for folks who want to swap books

  8. Mood's never been better, it's just that the thought of a bunch of people sitting around jawing about a book is bizarre. Reading's a personal thing, keep it to yourself.

    i don't understand what you could have against other people sharing their views on a book, what is it about reading that's so inherently personal compared to watching films or listening to music? fair enough if you find reading a personal experience and don't want to share your thoughts, but if that's the case i'm not sure a book forum is the place for you.

  9. batman shmatman. MEMENTO - there's a proper good film directed by chirtopher nolan, got a feeling this won't live up to it though. was gonna go to the free screening at the belmont but it were fully booked :(

  10. cool, a book forum.

    i'm currently reading 'yoga for people who can't be bothered to do it' by geoff dyer. some bits are really good, but i am slightly boed by the bits where he speaks about old ruins for a few pages. he has a great way of putting things, it's kinda like philosophy for people who can't be bothered to read it. anyone read anything else by him?

    also, just finished douglas copeland - 'nostradamus' , which i enjoyed muchas. really want to read some more by him now

  11. ooops, the new band is actually called Civil Might. i have issues with spelling, reading, writing, typing, speaking, intelligent thought, alcohol.....

    but we got called 'the upstairs' on the poster for our first gig and 5 years later we went on to play a small pub in Buckie, so I don't think it's a bad thing.

    sorry steve! i'll go round and tipex all the posters :)

  12. massive well done to camie and paul for the promo/organisation, great turnout and everything ran smoothly.

    Really enjoyed all the acts, first time hearing Deeker, thought he was really good, and 5 finger discount seemed to have hugely improved. mike park was awesome, the video stuff was really original and the anti-rascist stuff really powerful, was amazing to be on the same bill, and to speak to him,

    cheers for everyone who stuck around til the end, it were great - sorry for all the commas,,

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