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Posts posted by daveladocus

  1. Due to circumstances which are of no fault of our own the ska trek gigs in Scotland have been cancelled. There was a mix-up with the gig in Arbroath and the bands couldn't come up for just one gig in Aberdeen. We're really sorry to disappoint people and trust us, we know how you feel!

    We're getting another gig lined up to replace the show, the line-up at the moment looks something like:

    The Hijacks

    Escape to Victory

    The Holy Folks

    One True Onion (Onion Terror solo accoustic)

    Rapunzel Wizard

    and this shall be costing just 2 little pounds.

    This line-up might change as we've just started putting it together this afternoon.


  2. Hilarious, especially the ironic "why language matters" section which (like most of the zine) was clearly written by people of limited literacy. Works really well as a satire of the stereotypical sweaty "fuck the system" adolescent so-called-punk - the political parts were very funny, a good charicature of the painfully naive schoolboy political thinking endemic in the community you are taking the piss out of. Congrats.

    ye, good one. well we'll be sure to make the next issue much more pessimistic and hopefully a little more right-wing.

  3. the east neuk really is the venue for people who demand a better class of establishment, it oozes a sense of luxury and style that most venues can only dream of (if venues do dream that is).

    i think state of affairs will be really good in the neuk tho, should be a good night, especially because my exams will be done and i'm going to get very-to-excessively drunk :cheers: nothing says celebration like a very big owl :bat: (i know that's a bat, but it does have wings)

  4. wow, looks like no ones gonna pull out of this one, fingers crossed. altho maltman said he was up for doing his naked, solo act so maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing.

    looks like the hostiles might be making the big time soon what with all the tours they're on at the moment. people should take the chance to see them before they get all rock-starry and speak in an american accent

  5. Although probably no one cares: you can get your hands on a limited edition copy of ISSUE 2 of the Good for Nothing? zine, featuring interviews with The King Blues, Pickled Dick and The Mad Conductor, as well as some some opiniony type pieces, CD and gig reviews, Rapunzel's Crusty Corner, and last but not least 'Have I got Loos for you'. All for 50 pence which is cheaper than a can of irn bru and containing less sugar, lowering your chances of diabetes and uneven energy levels - everyone's a winner

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