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Status Updates posted by Lemonade

  1. @Nursefancypants is that Mattress Mick?
  2. Whatever happened to Ms Dynamite?
  3. Still my best ever tweet. https://t.co/h8TtTEXc3m
  4. Very light and easy to drink - Drinking a Bru Rua by @brubrewery - https://t.co/qwNgXadAkz #photo
  5. RT @MU689908: Searched for pictures of Alan Brazil last night & I'm fascinated with how he can look like this without being dead https://t.…
  6. It's funny how Geri Halliwell isn't in the spotlight any more, but still manages to annoy the fuck out of me just from memory.
  7. @stonefish100 2 sub Keepers in.
  8. When you can tell just from the address that this link is going to be a corker.... @Mattjimf https://t.co/IsO6m4TsIj
  9. Is Abe Vigoda genuinely dead this time? If so I smell dead pool points.
  10. Hate is a bit strong. I didn't hate it but it wasn't my favourite.
  11. @THETOMMYDREAMER @Wesbrisco @LGNDSofWRSTLNG weird optical illusion there, makes it look like you're wrestling a really tiny man.
  12. And yes I know it's only 10pm but I'm up at 6 all week.
  13. RT @Irelandsphotos: Cracking photo of Dublin's St Stephens Green from above. Credit @dronepicr https://t.co/rviBF4vykN
  14. RT @BoringMilner: I was texting Christian Benteke earlier but he must have lost signal or something. https://t.co/8SqXixM3h0
  15. RT @MrDDyer: Wow. Journalism that actually makes a bit of sense. https://t.co/57cPGP9Pmu
  16. @Niamh_156 Cabra / Phibsboro direction. Just heard a ton of sirens there and searching Twitter to find out what's going on!
  17. Jamie Foxx really seems like the dumbest fucking guy who's ever lived. He seems to be in a constant state of child-like wonder.
  18. Nobody takes offence quite as spectacularly as Rangers fans. #sevco
  19. Last night I farted so loud the dog two doors up starting barking. That's my proudest moment right there.
  20. Straight in at #1 in the inaugural "things I never want to eat" list. https://t.co/zAH2QDHwAw
  21. Eugooglie for a rock band. #BlueSteel https://t.co/ldaY4nYjYL
  22. "Siri, remind me to tweet racial slurs at people based on their avatars tomorrow"
  23. @RDdotC fucking Battletoads! https://t.co/upSeqNIMoh
  24. @RDdotC I'm at a shopping centre with a toy shop. Off for a look!
  25. Someone in Dublin please lend me Dream Phone. Thanks.
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