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Posts posted by sonhenry

  1. Pay to play? Man, I know things are getting bad, and you might expect it in a really tight market like LA. But here?

    Don't get me wrong, I love to play music. But if someone is making money off my hard work by selling beer and expecting me to pay for the honor? That is so incredibly twisted, fucked up and wrong it's beyond belief.

    Pay to play? Screw that. Play for the door and a cut of the bar? Totally different conversation if you know you can draw bodies.

    And thanks for the tip about the Glasgow forum, off to check it out-

  2. Hey, we have lots of room for bands if any of you are up for this, I know there's a bunch of Fat Possum style bands kicking around (and I won't name names....) but I for one would love you have those bands involved as well- and not just all us old farts....

    PM me or Davey if you even think you might be interested!

  3. Only when the guitar is plugged in. But this will be a solo set, so I'll be a little more cultured so you can chat if you want to.

    WARNING: Just don't sit in front of me during my set and tell the person on the other end of your mobile phone that you're "not doing anything important" in a loud voice like that idiot at the Lemon Tree, and then have the nerve to be offended when I turn up and break into "jackass with a mobile phone" and everyone laughs so hard that they spit their ciabatta through their nose. Except it'll be beer, because they don't serve yuppie food at Cellar 35. ;)

  4. split coils? why so many wires? You should only have 2 wires coming from each of the pickups, wire the black ones to ground and then solder the remaining wires to the lugs of the toggle, and then on wire out of the goggle to the jack. done.

  5. Each one is the size of an elephant......not! Theyre very compact for 18" 400w subs and can be lifted quite easily by 1 person.

    Dims H72cm x W60cm x D60cm

    Weight each cab - 40kg

    Go on....you know you want to.....you need to fill some of that space left by all the guitars your selling :up:

    Damn you, you know I can't think in metric. Going for a tape measure....

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