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Posts posted by sonhenry

  1. DO IT!!! Moorings Bar, double bill with the Malpasos. You'll be a hero! People will sing your praises for eons and build a statue of you taller than the Queen Mother's! And to open the show? the fugging Acid Facists again. Or Devil Train if they're still on the go-

    Balls. It would be the freeking balls.

  2. It's not cheeky at all if you just agree it up front when you're booking the gig (and get it in writing while you're at it). Showing up with guests in tow is a crappy idea. But asking for it when you're booking is normal and is what pros do.

    I always ask for a guest list, so I can get wives/girlfriends in and keep the band happy. But (and this is more important) so I can comp someone from the press, shoot a couple of tickets to a radio DJ, whatever I need to do that week to promote the gig. Any promoter that doesn't agree is shooting themselves in the foot, and funny enough, I almost never have a problem.

  3. Well, I agree about checking first, but for the shit money that most gigs pay in town, promoters should get hip to the simple idea that band members +1 is morally and ethically correct. If I want to use those spaces for wives or a party of Armenian driving instructors on a hen night that's my call, but in either case most of them bring friends that pay the cover and you get more bodies in the room that makes for a better gig.

  4. I don't care about the Deportees, (aren't they french?), it's those wasted votes for a cup of tea that worry me. Don't these people get out, or are they spending their free time with Aunt Mildred talking about what dangerous place the world has become? "Remember, pinkies out, girls. Proper deportment and all"....

    Fuck me, I weep for the future.

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