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Posts posted by sonhenry

  1. _1799934_siamese_twins_inf300.gif

    As per this technical drawing, observe that the conjoined twins are tied by one ore more critical components. I don't believe that this can be the case in this instance, given that one part in the pair is obviously missing. Plus, this amplifier was made in Fullerton, California which is a great distance from Siam.

    But, young squire, you are correct in your other assertions. Tolex, knob color (which is gettng a little personal but it was you that asked first) and other details are crucial to a successful business transaction.

  2. I think you'll find that the stability is down to the quantity of dylithium crystal... where was this peavey you were working on... as we are currently in the alpha quadrant it would imply you are an alien...o_O and your plan is to steal our technology... Mr Henry, form an away team and we'll take a shuttle craft to Edinburgh and sort this out... phazers to stun:guns:

    A kind offer, but I muse decline. I'm currently wearing a blue shirt, and as anyone with a colour television knows, it's always the geologist in the blue shirt that gets killed once the landing party has landed. I shall monitor progress from my easy chair this evening if you don't mind. I will send a delegate, an interesting chap with no self esteem who follows musicians anywhere and is suitable for a landing party. You may refer to him as the harmonica player....

  3. I have a quartet of NOS cryo matched Area 51 6L6GCs - the ones with deuterium filaments. I tried them in a Peavey Deuce, but they kept warping into the alpha quadrant. Maybe they wil be stable in the Twin? [Please - no worm hole jokes. I'm not kidding around here.]

    Ah, yes, a Peavey Deuce? I infer from what you write that you only had one, when you can clearly see from the name that they are meant to run in pairs- it's all in the name. I suspect that to be the issue with stability. With 2 of them and a large plank of wood they make an effective footstool.

  4. What ohmage are those drumsticks? Will they be OK as an extension for the Twin running into a 4ohm cab? Will there be any phasing issues?

    Appropriate questions. As long as everything is set on stun, the phasers should have no problem with this amplifier or the missing twin. And we can use the leftovers for a signal fire and a stunning turkish barbeque.

  5. I spoke with my research assistant Chloe upon her return from Ship Row last evening, and she has indicated that I am mistaken, it is not actually a handbasket that I observed. It was, rather, a black leatherette bag designed to contain this reverberation device mentioned earlier. Of course, I am chagrined at my oversight, but reflect that this is indeed one of the things tat occurs as one ages. I also find myself speaking harshly with teenagers who insist on playing something called 'footie' on my front lawn to the great dismay of my Argentine terrier Randolph. But I digress.

    I, like most of you, must confess to great disappointment that the original poster has not responded to a reasonable request to identify the location of the missing amplifier in the set. So I must ask more emphatically. Where Sir is the other amp, or do you take us to be so innocent in the workings of the spider web of deceit called the internet that we are unaware that 'Twin' indicates there is an identical match? A Yin to this Yang, so to speak?

    I have no alternative but to offer you a box of single drumsticks as payment in kind, all designed for use in the left hand. I will provide you with the location of the right-hand sticks when the location of the missing amplifier is revealed. I believe this to be a fair and reasonable offer.

  6. Son did you ever find you're ass? very stupid creatures.

    First, young man, you meant 'your ass', not 'you're ass', yes?

    Yes, I did, luckily enough. The advent of GPS replaced the need for classical cartography skills and dead reckoning, and I was able to locate the animal in question post-haste. It had been abducted by a cheerful band of Amish farmers in Pennsylvania that had adopted it, pulling a buggy down the streets of Hershey. Curiously, it was studying weather prediction with punxsutawney phil, the famous grounhog. Truthfully, it's career ambitions were impractical and it was behaving as, well, an ass.

    But really, where are the twins? Did we decide the wattage? And what exactly is this handbasket anyway?

  7. You may well find the 'twin' of this amp. Or should I say a time-shift reflection. The clue is in the date of mfxtr - 1976, the USA bicentennial. That's BI as in two as in twin. The CIA Special Sciences labs wwere able to devcelop a time resonator that was capable of locking a space field approx 2'x2'x1' in a random time shimmer - effectively a 'time reverb'.

    Sorry, I worked for the CIA as a clandestine operative until 1977. We couldn't find our ass with a map.

    Now, the bicentennial celebrations, those I remember with great fondness; the freedom train and the bonnie and clyde death car exhibits were my favorites. I still have the free beer mug I got as part of the entry fee. Ahh, those were good days.

    That 'time reverb' of which you speak was a NASA predecessor of the space shuttle, an attempt to go back in time and make sure the US beat the russians in space. Being a solid state device the audio quality was, well, crap. But I'll concede the point.

    My underlying question remains, however- where is the Ebay listing for this device, and how can I place a bit. Let me ask my assistant Chloe when she returns from Ship Row...

  8. How about a warmoth walnut body strat with 2 singles and a humbucker in the bridge? It's in fair shape, sounds deadly but is missing the arm for the bridge (easy to find though), so that really makes it a slightly donwgraded version of a super strat. Price is right...

  9. 'Twin Reverb' refers to the 'twin sound' that leo fender invented, but never pateneted for fear that his secret would be stolen by unsrupulous manufacturers or 'those back east guys', as he put it. For Leo, anyone out past Palm Springs was 'back east'.

    In their reverb cicuit, your note is cloned and repeated after a tiny, tiny delay - effectively, you get a 'twin' note. The proces is so secret, they put a standard spring reverb tank in the amps so that the competition (and anyone working on them who deosn't know) will be fooled into thinking it is ordinary mechanical reverb. The microprocessor for the process is wrapped in tape and disguised as an optical coupler.

    The process was cracked by a chap named Innello Tellecato (In Tel to his friends) who saw its potential beyond guitar amplification and the rest is history...

    That Leo! What was he like...?!??!??!

    Silly me, and here I though they came in pairs.

    Leo was an insightful humpback with a critical mind and a penchant for inducing deafness in teenagers. Although short in stature, he had a personality that was indeed imposing. I believe this was largely the result of his over zealous use of garlic as a hygenic cleanser and his insistance that he could hear sputnik era radio broadcasts from communist russia on a corroded mercury filling in his left molar. Curiously, the filling was on the right side, an upper filling that broadcast Hungarian radio, not Russian. In that he was mistaken. It was those broadcasts that drove him to insanity, and the sale of his company to CBS in the mid '60s. Once his dental problems were resolved, he was able to resume his life's work finding adoptive homes for orphan cats to be used by practicioners of the Gnostic faith.

    With al that, I still must know where the other half of this set of twins is, and if they are both included in the sale, or this is just a distraction from the sellers real intention of finding homes for lost cats in Aberdeen?

  10. Good advice - I'll hopefully find some on saturday. Speaking from experience re the bar fights Son? Tele's would definitely have a nice, heavy body for swingin'! :)

    Yes,somewhere in texas is a guy with a strap button imprint on his forehead from the business end of my old tele. Not a scratch on the guitar. Teles, first choice in self-defense guitars the world over...

  11. The 2 humbucker ones are ok, they're better sounding with the tele bridge pickup- that 70's custom vibe. You get the twang when you need it and the humbucker. And there's nothing like a tele bridge pickup blasting through a marshall sending the sound guys diving for the fader.....

    Oh, advice. If it fits your hands and the tone is what you like, who cares where it's made? They all look the same from behind. And there's nothing like a telecaster to get you out of a bar fight, and in that scenario you don't need to worry about the pickups.

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