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Posts posted by Hugh_Jazz

  1. melon collie is VERY overrated

    adore was nae bad

    Mellon Collie was an utter triumph...overrated my arse.

    ....and as for Adore, well sorry....without Jimmy Chamberlin, I'm not even prepared to call that load of arse a Pumpkins album in the first place!!

  2. Lars is apparently going back to his Load kit for the new album' date=' so at least he'll have a decent sounding snare.[/quote']

    Even if he had the greatest sounding drums of all time, you're not going get away from the fact that Metallica are now a load of mass-produced, radio-friendly wank.

    Personally, even if Bob Rock did part company, I doubt it would make any fucking difference. A bunch of arrogant clowns like Metallica are not going to bow to ever whim of their producer. The post-Black Album sell-out was as much to do with the band as anyone.

    Lets just fondly remember Metallica for the way they once were.....the old Metallica are never coming back.

  3. "Your"

    1. Used as a modifier before a noun: your boots; your accomplishments.

    2. A person's; one's: The light switch is on your right.

    3. Informal. Used with little or no sense of possession to indicate a type familiar to the listener: your basic three-story frame house.


    Contraction of you are.

    I learnt this in primary school' date=' how come there are still fully grown men on this board who make this error constantly?[/quote']

    "Cunt" n. (kunt)

    1. Cowboy Dan

  4. On account of suffering from the plague of adolescent ginger hair, i was saddled with the nickname "Fanta Pants" for much of my youth.

    I still wake up at night screaming....

    mine was piggott (as made up by my cunt of a music teacher)


    and inevitavably Fatty Franklin (oh the originality of that one!)

  5. Fucking hilarious news. If I remember correcly, Steve Paterson and McCall were being touted in the media a couple of years ago as the cream of Scotland's young managers. Excellent prediction...not.

    Although McCall is a tit, and deserved to be punted, I would much prefer to see Livingston go down. Those bastards have no soul whatsover....they call their stadium something different every week, they've got shit fans and Richard Gough is their manager....nuff said.


    About time.

    He is a total wank.

    I hope they get relegated.

  6. Im wanting an iron cobra double pedal' date=' the trouble is i dont know which one to get.

    power glide

    rolling glide

    flexi glide

    can someone please fill me in on this


    Sorry, I'm confused. You claim to not know which one you want, yet you are sure that it must be an Iron Cobra?

    The different models will probably have different cams or chains. However, the brand should be irrelevant. Get the pedal that feels right to play....not the one that makes you look like Lars. You should go down to ProSound or Bruce Millers and experiment with every pedal you can until you find one that suits you. Tama, DW, Mapex, Sonor, Pearl, Ludwig, Gibraltar etc all make pro-quality pedals...and some are much cheaper than a Cobra. Buying something because of the name is potentially a very expensive way to make a mistake.

    There...thats my tuppence worth!

  7. Humour to cover tragedy. That's really too general a statement. Seriously' date=' using humour at a tragedy like that is NOT funny in any sense of the word. Maybe for a personal tragedy, but this is is tasteless. What the hell's wrong with losing faith in the world we live in? It is in fact slipping away from any sort of moral structure so just accept that, okay? Making fun of armless children is NOT funny and the morals of some people here are awful.[/quote']

    Bravo....some decent common sense at last.

  8. Does anyone know how much one of those rubber pad set-ups costs? Ive decided to take up drums after an 8 year hiatus and I now live in a flat' date=' so having a proper kit would be daft (unless my neighbours were deaf).

    I seen one in R&B but I aint prepaired to spend 1500 on one :nono:

    All I need is the rubber mats...

    Any suggestions?

    Mucho Apprecio :gringo:[/quote']

    There are a few different ones available, the more you spend, the more realistic the pads will be. None of them feel much like a drumkit, but the more expensive ones are better. I think Dixon do at least a couple of different ones. Have to be honest though, even with the best of intentions, you'll probably find it hard to religiously practice on a rubber practice kit....they are just soooo boring to play.

    Alternative is to get an electronic kit like a Yamaha DTX and then you can just plug headphones in, but then you're obviously spending a few hundred quid....

    Have a chat with Duncan @ Bruce Millers....he'll sort you out.

  9. There is a trace elliot bass stack but di's the way to go' date=' the house kit is good, well maintained and Niall knows how to get the best sound from it, I would also be surprised if you couldnt get a usable sound from the guitar gear at the studio. And there must be someone who's cock you can suck for a lift out...!![/quote']

    House kit, unless it's changed in the last 18 months is a Tama Granstar 6-piece (or maybe its a 5, cant remember).....very nice though. All Zildjian cymbals - As and Ks...records very well. Even made me sound good once......

  10. Please... can people pull their heads from their respective arse holes and start working together as its starting to become a joke.

    Years ago the scene was all bolstered by bands working to help each other out in any way shape or form.

    People supported anything that a local band did as they were from Aberdeen.

    SO WHAT if you don't like a bands music..... rather than critisise it why not embrace the positive things that people do.

    The demise of Dr Drakes is a tragedy and one that will hopefully make people realise that most of Aberdeen doesn`t give a flying fuck about it`s local bands or even bands in general unless they can sell out The Music Hall or the AECC.

    Anyone ever wondered why NO ABERDEEN BAND in the last 15 years has signed to a major. (Assumes that Driveblind havn`t inked a deal yet)

    Absolute wank....

    ....so according to your logic, the reason that other cities have so many successful bands is because people will turn out to watch any old shite? Sorry, just because I and others dont go and watch shite bands in Aberdeen does not make me unsupportive of the scene.

    The reason the scene isnt great - although i dont believe its as bad as you say - is because like it or not, Aberdeen doesnt have enough genuinely strong bands. We have a lot of good bands, but not many that people will flock from miles around to come and see. Furthermore, Aberdeen is isolated from the Central Belt so we dont get many bands travelling up here. If there were enough decent bands, we would have more venues and Drakes wouldnt have given gigs to as many mediocre bands as they did....the lack of interest in which is likely why the place eventually closed.

  11. If anyone wants drumming inspiration, just download Vinnie Colaiuta's solo at the Buddy Rich memorial concert. You can get it on Shareaza and its an 80Mb download, but you'll be glad you made the effort.....

    No matter what instrument you play, you will be fecking awestruck....i promise you.

  12. I'll prob have alot of drummers go against me here but Lars Ulrich. I don't care if he can't play as quickly or as well as other metal drummers he is awesom. Totally fat beats and he just knows how to build parts so well. One of the only drummers that really gets me going when I am listening to him. The Outlaw Torn S&M version is amazing. So solid and just KICKING! Great use of china as well during the solo...awww I have to go listen to it right now!

    Tav, fucking spot on mate.

    He is not the most technically gifted drummer around today, but its absolutely fair comment to say that he is a huge reason for the masses of great metal drummers that are around today. Lars' probably couldnt play half the shit that Vinnie Paul, Paul Bostaph, Igor Cavelera, Joey Jordison could play, but each one of them rates Lars as a drum god, and for one simple reason.....he has written some of the greatest drum tracks in metal music history. The whole of ...and Justice for All is full of utterly brilliant drum tracks and the sixteenth note triplet groove in One is probably the most famous piece of metal drumming ever.

    I just wish he's use a decent snare drum these days instead of that tinny piece of shite that he uses on St.Anger.

  13. OK for practicing with I guess. I doubt they'd be up to much for live work. You need shells to give you the volume, resonance and projection required for gigging.

    But, i doubt Arbiter intended them as a gig-worthy setup anyway...they're cheap, they use up hardly any space, and they sound a million times better than a practice kit with rubber pads. You can buy them in Costcos. Well done Arbiter i say!

  14. I'm listening to early years Soundgarden at the moment' date=' and I'm thinking about what a great drum sound their releases always had, and in particular the talent of Matt Cameron on the skins. He's probably the only drummer who I listen to and really makes me want to try and learn to play. You can hear every little and subtle touch he uses on the records, and some of his rhythms and techniques sound amazing to me. He's not blindingly fast like some drummers, but he's so solid and and the technicality behind what he's playing comes through. The mental and sonic picture I have of him is a lot like that of local tub-thumper Len Atom... :up:

    Any opinions on Mr Cameron? Any other drummers who do this for you??[/quote']

    Matt C is a jazz drummer by upbringing....and he brings a lot of that loose, fluid feel to his rock stuff. Superunknown and Badmotorfinger have got some of the best rock drumming around. Fantastic stuff! Not much in the way of blazing fills, but the feel is just perfect and it's verrry difficult to play his stuff note for note.

    Other albums that "do it" for me, and there are just loads:

    Sting - Ten Summoner's Tales (Vinnie Colaiuta)

    Tower of Power - Back to Oakland (David Garibaldi)

    Pumpkins - Mellon Collie...(Jimmy Chamberlin)

    Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced (Mitch Mitchell)

    Led Zep - IV (John Bonham)

    The Meters - Looka-Py-Py (Zigaboo Modeliste)

    Pantera - Far Beyond Driven (Vinnie Paul)

    Slayer - Divine Intervention (Paul Bostaph)

    Pearl Jam - Ten (Dave Krusen)

    Paul Weller - Wild Wood (Steve White)

    Miles Davis - Milestones (Philly Joe Jones)

    Nirvana - Incesticide (Dave Grohl)

    Vanessa Carlton - Be Not Nobody (Abe Laboriel Jr)

    Frank Zappa - Joe's Garage (Vinnie Colaiuta)

    Primus - Sailing the Seas of Cheese (Tim Alexander)

    Brand New Heavies - Brother Sister (Jan Kincaid)

    Police - Synchronicity (Stewart Copeland)

    Could go on forever....but that would be stupid.....

  15. i went to see him a few years ago in HMT when he was doing a fundraiser for the Lonach Hall near Candacraig House in Strathdon where he lives.

    To be honest, it was crap...just a fucking rerun of the same material he did for one of his live videos....very funny nonetheless, but unless he's decided to go to the effort of writing some original material this time your better off buying his latest DVD.

  16. Reporting Scotland just said Aberdeen has been declared the sunniest city in Scotland for the 2nd year running.

    Suck on that NME' date=' fucking Glasgow and all Aberdonians who complain about the weather.

    Wear a coat u minkers![/quote']

    Exactly! What's the fucking point in complaining anyway? Aberdeen's weather isnt "bad weather" as such, it's just weather. If you tell an Aberdonion that rain, wind and cold are bad things then his/her life is basically fucked!!

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