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Posts posted by Hugh_Jazz

  1. Hey I was wondering if anyone could answer me this riddle:

    My temp folder (C:\Documents and Settings\NEWXPUSER\Local Settings\TEMP) is currently sitting at about 5.5Gb. I was wondering if you can delete the contents of this folder without any nasty surprises? Any info would be good.

    Yes, delete it.

    Dont delete the TEMP folder itself, but you're safe enough to trash the contents.

  2. I was meaning like a wedding band type thing??

    Hi, I'm the drummer.

    Mike can correct me if I'm wrong, but the plan is not to be a function band per se. First priority is booking good gigs. Mostly this will be playing pubs/clubs, but if somebody organising a wedding/corporate do' likes the stuff we're doing, then there's every chance we'd consider it... although I doubt this would ever become our bread and butter. Hope that answers your question!



  3. there was something michael jackson-esque about mariah carey taking the stage with lots of african kids.

    peter kay doesnt drink so he wouldnt have been pissed.

    velvet revolver rocked

    scissor sisters and joss stone were out of order promoting new songs' date=' thats not what it was all about.

    sting remains a cunt

    pink floyd and the who were remarkably good for old chaps

    i do agree its gonna take more than a few gigs to sort out the mess that is africa.

    the singalong to 'hey jude' at the end was just plain embarrasing, 'oh look as us we're so good making you peasants aware about poverty' and either carey or stone just had to wail like a demented baboon over the top as well.

    sting is still a cunt

    and so is elton john[/quote']

    Sighhh....like him or not, Sting was clearly one of the best performers of the whole day....as was Elton John.

    And Joss Stone and Scissor Sisters werent out of order in the slightest IMHO. If Velvet Revolver played new stuff yesterday, then as a fan, that is exactly what you would want to have heard. JS and SS both played very well received gigs in front of a billion people worldwide....so irrespective of whether they played the new material or not, the good publicity they'll get would assure them of big sales on the new stuff anyway. Plus they all played for free....methinks out of order by arse.

  4. check what power supply the drum module needs' date=' if its 9v or similar it may be possible to bodge some batteries together, though how long they would last i dunno...

    you can get small battery powered amps that should do the job ampwise


    I suspect it will be a 9V supply, but with all the stuff that needs powering, I reckon it could be the shortest busking session ever.

    Get a generator.....or better still, play a proper drum kit.

  5. From my experience you could be able to pass the Grade 8 drums' date=' and still be utter shite; playing a Grade x piece doesn't mean you are a Grade x musician. Just get some good lessons from a reputable teacher.[/quote']

    You simply will not pass grade 8 drums unless you're an accomplished player with a very good grasp of technique. End of story.

    Beyond the grade exams, there is a lot more to being a musician (obviously)....but can you pass and yet be utter shite? Erm, no.

  6. there's the rock school grade book stuff. its a bit shit but at least you know its at the right standard.

    Dont bet on it.....if the rock school guitar material is anything like the drum material, there's no way it is on the same standard.

    Rock school grade's on drums are definitely not as demanding as the corresponding traditional grades for Guildhall, Trinity etc.

  7. Take it you're after the original? I may have the Chemical Brothers mix kicking around somewhere' date=' but won't be able to dig it out for you until the weekend. Might also have the original on a mix album, but obviously it'd obviously have bits of other tracks at the start and end.

    If you're interested, drop me a PM, as I'll probably remember so long as it's in my email.[/quote']

    Thanks, I'd prefer the original if poss. I'll see what other responses I get, and will maybe get back to you.



  8. I'm desperately trying to get my hands on the track "Bug Powder Dust" by Bomb The Bass....i've asked a few friends, and tried various P2P sites....even tried ITunes, and am getting nowhere.

    If any of you very fine people have this track amongst your collections, I'd be eternally grateful for an mp3 file.

    Yours in hopeful anticipation.....!!



  9. Yeah that sounds ok' date=' only fair i suppose!!

    I'll be in toms at 7 pm on thursday as suaul for the bands practice, if you ask one of the guys which room element 106 are in just pop right in, i shall bring the china with me, any time between 7 and 9, whichever is good for yourself![/quote']

    Bloody typical....I've got a practice myself from 7-9 on Thursday, but I'm across at the place underneath Atmospheric Lighting & Sound!! I could probably pop into Tom's on my way there, but it would need to be 6:30ish. Can you manage that??

  10. Yes' date=' i'll go for that, used to have one before it cracked! As long as it's mint and isnt cracked, as i :band: say mine is good as new[/quote']

    It's about a year old but in excellent condition. No cracking or keyholing whatsoever.

    I'd want to have a listen to your cymbal before swapping if thats OK....I've listened to the sample on zildjian.com, but to be honest these never sound much like the real thing so want to be sure. I play A-Custom crashes which are bright sounding, so there's a chance that a very dark sounding china might clash.

    Any chance we could meet up at Capt.Tom's some evening and take it from there??? Let me know.....

  11. No offence to some of you guys but your choice of drummers is utterly appalling. Lars (the 4/4 hero) Ulrich? Travis Barker? Dave Silveira?? Joey Jordison!? Just because you play fast doesnt mean you can play good.. remember!

    My list:

    1: Jon Theodore (The Mars Volta' date=' unreal timings)

    2: Mitch Mitchell (Hendrix Experiance)

    3: John Bonham (You already know him.. RIP)

    Honorable meantion to Matt Tong of Bloc Party.

    Real drummers with real talent who dont rely on a double kick.[/quote']

    Erm, less of the condescending, muso-intelligenzia shite please. I'm not a huge metal fan, but if you dont think Joey Jordison has "real talent", you frankly dont know your subject. These guys dont "rely" on a double kick to sound good - btw Travis doesnt use one too often - they use it because its a cornerstone of the style they play. Joey Jordison is probably among the best players around these days....maybe he cant play jazz worth a shit, but then again, I doubt Buddy Rich could have played on Iowa either...does that make Buddy crap?

    OK rant over...my favourite 3 are:

    1. Vinnie Colaiuta

    2. Horacio Hernandez

    3. Jimmy Chamberlin

    Ask me tomorrow and i'll say something different. Honourable mentions also go out to Buddy Rich, Elvin Jones, Tony Williams, Steve Gadd, John Bonham, Dave Weckl, Neil Peart, Tony Royster Jr, Dennis Chambers, Steve White, Steve Smith, Virgil Donati, Chad Smith...the list goes on.

  12. I would say' date=' from my point of view, it would have to be Pantera. They have an undeniable quality in their songs and have shaped the way i think aboout metal. And they are also a major influence on my band, From Her Ashes.[/quote']


    It's 15 years old but Vulgar Display of Power is still my favourite metal album by far.

  13. i think ur all missing the point bob rock is a producer that makes a band big and makes them very commercial so they make lots of money. He has done his job in Mettalica and they are big so now once again they can care about the music

    When Metallica make another metal epic of Master of Puppets proportions, I'll admit I got it wrong. Although knowing that James and Lars are a pair of arrogant feckwits who seem to lust after fame above all else these days, I dont think I need worry too much....

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