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Posts posted by Hugh_Jazz

  1. I have been a fan of Electric Six since I first heard "Danger! High Voltage" and even after their second album release - which is a really ace album. I still find people who just laugh at them because of "Gay Bar" which' date=' to be honest, was and still is a classic. They are simply shrugged off and few people actually take the time to listen to them. I saw them live at the music hall and it was the best gig I have ever seen in my opinion. so please people, listen to them. They are basically a mix of everything (I still can't classify them as a 'type' of music.) c'mon a band willing to write songs about Vibrators and naked pictures or your mother has to be good. Seriously though; one of the best bands to come out of 2003[/quote']

    I sort of agree. My missus is very into Electric 6, and I've been forced into listening to them cos she never plays anything else in her car. Personally, I think the singles are total mince, but there's actually some decent stuff on the rest of the albums.

    I've been to both concerts at the Music Hall, and was pleasantly surprised.

  2. who plays? i've just started playing again after a break of about 8 years or so and i'm having a blast. anyone got any swing tips? me and my friends have a tendancy to slice alot and my driving is terrible. also looking at getting some new clubs and could do with some recommendations etc.

    aren't we lucky in aberdeen to have such cheap and available council golf clubs? makes you feel a bit better when you're shit and having a bad round when you've only paid a couple of quid.

    Most problems with slicing are due to bad alignment, so make sure that your feet, hips and shoulders are all perfectly aligned on the target. If anything is "open" ie. aiming to the left, the tendency will be to slice the ball.

  3. "Hello, and welcome to the mental health hotline..."

    If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 repeatedly.

    If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you.

    If you have multiple personalities, press 3, 4, 5, and 6.

    If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line so we can trace your call.

    If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transferred to the mother ship.

    If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a small voice will tell you which number to press.

    If you are a manic-depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press - no one will answer.

    If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, social security number, and your mother's maiden name.

    If you have bi-polar disorder, please leave a message after the beep, or before the beep, or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.

    If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.

    If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.

    If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.

    If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.

    If you have low self-esteem, please hang up. All of our operators are too busy to talk to you.

    If you are menopausal, hang up, turn on the fan, lie down and cry. You won't be crazy forever.

    If you are blonde, please don't press any buttons - you'll just mess it up!

  4. There has been a large frequency of patches for firefox already within its first year and is almost on par with the amount of patches released every month for internet explorer which has been around for more than 10 years. What happens in the next few years can mozilla keep up with an exponentially increasing rate of bug fixes.

    If it is true that there have been as many patches made for Firefox within one year as for IE over the last 10 years, surely that completely disproves the spurious point you've been trying to make.

    This does NOT mean that Firefox is more necessarily more buggy than IE. It just means that Firefox has the capacity (because it's open source) to get things fixed quicker....so more things get fixed.

  5. Bad for Scottish football my arse.

    Celtic and Rangers are what's bad for Scottish football and have been for years. They've moaned for years about not having enough competition domestically and how this causes them to struggle in Europe yet they fail to realise that this is their own fucking fault...constantly milking all the other clubs of their best players for a pittance, and thus widening the gap between them and the rest.

    5-0 is an absolute gem of a result....no sympathy whatsoever.

  6. Obviously you didnt read the post' date=' you have a bad habit of that. What I was saying is that as soon as firefox becomes more popular it will get attacked more just like Internet explorer. I never said they would stop attacking internet explorer, nor did I say internet explorer was any better.

    The problems that firefox has experienced since its release have however been on a greater scale than what internet explorer first experienced in it's infancy. Yes there may be alot of people that could help patch up firefox due to it being open source since everyone can modify it. It can also however be just as easily manipulated by hackers because they can easily access the programming code.

    Open source is fine if no one decides to attack it, but once they do, all that will happen is the need to patch the software non stop in an attempt to keep up with the hackers instead of having the time to use it properly since you will have to constantly update it.

    Internet Explorer may not be any better but not everyone has access to the programming code. Only the really determined hackers once they manage to decompile it.[/quote']

    An almost unbelievable number of spurious, ill-educated, misinformed arguments backed up with no facts whatsoever.

    You ever heard the phrase "quit while you're ahead"? Well you're not ahead mate...in fact ur so far off the pace of this argument it's become staggering. Please stop before u make an even bigger eejit of yourself.

  7. what's the deal with amazon marketplace? is it just people selling their old books or something?

    i just bought some books "used" from amazon - and it said about this amazon marketplace. i got captain corelli's mandolin for 0.01! you seem to get charged 2.75 delivery for each book you order used.

    why is this the first time i've seen this? does anyone else use this? it seems almost too good to be true.

    I've used it a few times....it's fookin' ace. It's no worse than buying off Ebay in my book....everyone has a feedback rating so u can work out if they're dodgy or not.


  8. So.....I know nothing about drums' date=' not too sure if that's clear, and I'm now more confused than before. Would it not be better to be taught on what you're going to practise on? Like Keilan said abou the guitars, what's the point of playing an electric at home when you're going to get lessons on an acoustic. Is it any different with drums?

    I need help in buying a kit aswell, I don't really want to be disturbing the neighbours and I'm moving out soon so I need something I can fit into a flat too.[/quote']

    Electronic kits sound different, and the pads feel a little different to proper drum heads....but as I've said earlier, the technique is largely the same, and I would argue that you could get taught on either since there are far more similarities between electronic/acoustic drums than there are between electric/acoustic guitar.

  9. What about the 99% of us who can't afford a drum kit or a nice country mansion where we can make the noise (tapping my foot along to a record at home almost lead to an ASBO here....) The noise a real drum kit produces is exciting' date=' and is half the reason people want to play drums! Also, I can play an electronic kit a hell of a lot better than I can play an accoustic kit, and they trigger rimshots etc way too easily, I think you should start on a real kit. Its like guitar, an accoustic guitar for the beginner will be a bastard on the fingers and hands, but then an electric will be a piss of piece after that. I now struggle like hell when I go back to an accoustic for the first time in a while....accoustic shit is where its at!!

    Just my 2,000,000 worth...[/quote']

    Lessons don't instantly endow you with ability, so if you've no means of practice I'd question the point in forking out 20 each time in the first place. Lessons are for pointing folk in the right direction. It's the subsequent practice that makes you a better player.

    How many guitarists pay for lessons that dont own a guitar? Maybe I'm wrong but it seems totally pointless to me.

    As for this argument about electronic vs acoustic, surely the over-riding concern with lessons is getting the RIGHT kind of advice.....so do you a) get lessons from a professional teacher with loads of experience like Nick on an electronic kit; or with b) anyone else who will teach on acoustic?

    Some aspects of hand/foot technique are IDEALLY better studied on an acoustic kit, cos electronic kits are a bit too forgiving....but a huge amount of teaching concerns independence, grooves, phrasing etc, and this can be done on an electronic kit quite easily.


    PS. I only play acoustic!

  10. Anyone know anyone that teaches drums? I asked in Bruce Millers but they don't use a proper kit' date=' they have an electric one beacause of the noise. I want to play on proper drums though because that's what'll be practising on.

    Somewhere cheap would be nice aswell.[/quote']

    IMO, whether they teach on electronic or acoustic drums should be completely secondary to the quality of the teacher. Archer and Nick are both excellent teachers and it would be daft to exclude Nick just cos he teaches on electronic drums. The guy has phenomenal hand technique, so you would learn heaps even if he was teaching on pillows!

    Equally, it is wrong to say that all Archer does is teach out of a 15 book as was mentioned elsewhere. I had lessons with Archer for more than a year, and received a huge amount of advice over-and-above the stuff in the book. Anyway, what teacher doesnt use books to support the stuff they're teaching? Since Drumtech is one of the best teaching schools in the UK, it's a bit harsh to criticise the syllabus.....never did me any harm.

    99% of your practice should be done at home on your own kit and the 1% with the teacher is just to point you in the right direction...so why does it matter whether they play electronic? Hand/foot technique, independence, phrasing, styles can all be taught on electronic drums quite easily....not rocket science to apply it to an acoustic set.

  11. Hello - my names chris' date=' i play as [b']the boy lacks patience

    and I would love to find a cellist to play gigs with, I play piano and sing, and have lots of cello parts written for my songs. So a cellist that can read music and play in tune and is up for playing gigs... Check out my website to see if you like what I play and email me :)



    Anyone who knows of a potential cellist, let me know.

    Thanking you.

    Sorry, I'm no cellist but ur stuff is great. Best of luck.....


  12. Anyone know anyone that teaches drums? I asked in Bruce Millers but they don't use a proper kit' date=' they have an electric one beacause of the noise. I want to play on proper drums though because that's what'll be practising on.

    Somewhere cheap would be nice aswell.[/quote']

    Archer Kemp and Nick Gibson are among the best in Aberdeen....they teach at Capt Toms and Prosound respectively. You'll be more than 20/hour for each though.

    Alternatively, I've been planning on doing some teaching for ages. I've been playing for the best part of 15 years and can play rock, funk, jazz, latin.... so if you're interested, drop me a PM to let me know what you're looking for.



  13. calderwood today said they have made an approach for both maloney and wlodarczk' date=' but maloney is number 1 target, the thing is maloney wont be aloud to play against celtic, so how can aberdeen challenge the old firm if we arnt aloud to use our best striker in the game.[/quote']

    Have the Tims said that they wont let Maloney play against them?

  14. What is it about all you anti-establishment buggers?

    So how do you physically get through customs then do you whip out your laptop and flash them yer numbers when they ask you to sit in front of a bloody scanner so they can scan your iris.

    Dont tell me you will have faked the ID card cracked the encryption and substituted your info for someone elses all whilst waiting in the fucking queue with that super computer in your back pocket.

    Not fucking likely if that was the case why not ransack every bank in the world of all their money. I mean if you have that much capability why not use it to take the money directly' date=' it's much more profitable than stealing identities[/quote']

    Just done a quick google on this. Far too much time on my hands....

    If you encrypt something using 40-bit encryption....that's several billion different possible combinations. Apparently if you use 128-bit encryption (which is the standard for Internet SSL encryption), that's 300 billion trillion times more combinations than for 40-bit.....the deciphering of which is computationally unfeasible.

    So, just because you're details are converted to 1s and 0s, does not necessarily make it vulnerable to attack. If it was that simple, Internet Banking would never have got off the ground.

  15. Shit!!! And I thought it was a blob of wax that fell out of my ear in the bath...

    OK' date=' for the umpteenth time, I am not accusing individuals of incompetence here, but if you look at the precedent of large scale government IT projects, there are a litany of failures, glitches and hideous errors.

    Now you can put your faith in the individual and the system if you want to.

    My maxim on this is rather simple.

    People make mistakes. No system is flawless.

    On that basis, I am reluctant to entrust my identity to individual people and individual systems.

    My competence doesn't enter into it. You cannot say, for example.

    Bob, the street sweeper is competent at his job, ergo Bill the nuclear physicist will be competent at his.

    That is not logic, it's a leap of faith. You might be prepared to make it, I am not.[/quote']

    Do you have an internet bank account?

    Do you ever buy anything online?

    If the answer is yes, then YOU ALREADY HAVE entrusted your identity to these people.

  16. Translation: I don't know what I'm talking about.

    Translation: CSA? Tax Credits? Passport Office? Immigration Service? Sorry I missed these as my fingers were in my ears and I was shouting "la la la la la la"

    Translation: They're going to waste billions on this shit.

    Translation: I'm clutching at straws now' date=' save me...

    Translation: I alkready said I know nothing about IT, well here's the proof.

    Translation: What do you mean War Games was just a movie?[/quote']

    Another patronising, idiotic post from you. Do you have to be such a colossal prick about every single post?? You're so blinded by your own cynicism and resentment to ID cards, you're not even prepared to enter into discussion about anything. Your entitled to an opinion as much as the next guy, but that's all it is...an opinion. Your's isn't right or wrong, so stop steamrollering everyone else.

    On reflection, Snakebite actually makes one or two decent points there. While his assurance that everything will be 100%-secure is by no means guaranteed, it does raise one interesting point. Most of us have internet banking accounts, secured by supposedly secure computer systems. We all buy stuff with supposedly secure online retailers. How much do we all worry about the security of that information - ie. bank account details, names, addresses etc?? We dont.

  17. The only people that will have any sort of access to your biometric information will be the security services. Even those people that will scan in the information at the passport office wont be able to read what they have scanned in.

    You have to remember that there will be several levels of user access & security protocols and only the highest levels of user will get access to your biometric data. Okay governments and security services could be infiltrated but access will be limited to only a few who will have been thoroughly vetted.

    Load of WANK. How the fuck do you possibly know that? Qualify one word of that.....go on, i dare you, i double dare you!

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