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Posts posted by Marillionboy

  1. You could also try taking what you have written an cutting the phrases up and re-arranging them in a different order to get suprising results. Kurt Cobain (among others) was apparently a fan of the technique (I think he pinched it from writer William Burroughs).

    Yes Fish used to do that too I think. I think a fun thing sometimes is mishearing other lyrics or taking a random phrase and thinking it could be part of a different tale altogether.

    I still think Hal David is the best lyricist ever, because his lyrics only work fully in conjunction with the music, and the images are so rich yet so easy to understand. "Do You Know The Way To San Jose" is a particular favourite. I like early Paul Weller and in places Fish too. Could never handle lyricists like Tori Amos!

  2. Quite. I remember a guy at Uni with me once having a rant about it to someone and saying "my parents didn't fucking slave away for me to end up reading that shite and encouraging such things" which had quite an effect on me.

    I remember years ago a comedy sketch where a guy buys a porno mag and a copy of The Sun and he conceals the paper in the mag as he's so embarrassed, very nice!

  3. I haven't read it, not really a fan of crime novels, but I remember getting slightly wound up by how I was getting stick for daring to write about the seamier side of Aberdeen and yet this book, immediately before the first chapter begins, says "And by the way, Aberdeen isn't really as bad as I make out" which seemed a very strange thing to tell your audience just before telling them a story.

    Still, I haven't read it so I can't comment beyond that!

  4. I've never ever managed to see them live, I always manage to have been ill/out of town or something whenever they've played!

    The White Album still sounds fabulous, and it was years before I found out they were from Dundee, who'd have thought it!

  5. Carnie said:

    I think it's a good thing that there is a recent surge of kids who want to go to gigs in Aberdeen. At least they are exposing them to the local music scene and encouraging to perhaps make their own band which would hopefully progress as times goes on.

    Well said. Every time I go back home I see a band while I'm there. I love The Tunnels and The Moorings, and I remember being in my late teens in Aberdeen over ten years ago and it had nothing like the enthusiasm it seems to have now. That is my personal perception anyway. There's an enthusiasm and an energy and plenty creativity. I remember going to see no end of godawful bands in Drummonds in the early 90s and not one of them impressing me.

  6. Two mates of mine once had an eating competition when we were students. Elliott was a big lad and Jamie was very thin but ate like a horse.They went to Pizza Hut on Union St for one of those all you can eat deals and had large salads, 19 slices ofg pizza each and deserts. Then they declares it a drawer. Jamie said the bus journey home was one of the most horrible sensations of his life.

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