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Posts posted by Marillionboy

  1. I can't stand The White Album, I think it's an ugly record, so glib and arrogant. There's a lovely earnestness about The Beatles in thier earlier days. For me it's Revolver. I've never been a big Sgt Pepper fan, I think the album spawned some good music but iniktself I think it's a pretentious mess. I know I'm slaughtering sacred cows here. But Day In the Life, lovely verses, dodgy middle section and that appalling racket too, what is the point of it??

    My virew is the Beatles were the most astounding songwriters of the 20th Century for the direct three minute song but they just weren't very good at prog.

  2. For me this was a spectacularly bad time for music. In 1991 I remember that even if Madchester was happening it was a bloody long way from Scotland. The charts were filled with KLF, Right Said Fred and so on, and bands like Simply Red, Genesis and for me U2 were for me way past their sell by dates, it was the equivalent of the way Radio 1 was being presented by people old enough to be your dad's boss.

    A lot of Brit Pop did little for me, I loathed the whole mockney Guy Ritchie/ Cool Brittainia shit that came with it, but I loved Oasis and liked the energy and optimism of it, and I think as a result of all that and the grunge stuff we now have a pretty good music scene with something for everyone. But the late 80s and early 90s are a time I wouldn't want to relive. I can't even think of a decent POP song from then! Indepdendent Love Song by Scarlet? Oh no, that was '94.

  3. Just a couple of updates on this folks. Firstly the sound engineer on the show is in Aberdeen today floating about the bars etc getting some vox pops from folk for a kind of "Dark Side of the Moon" style soundscape of music and voices to link scenes. If you spot him in the Moorings or somewhere do go speak!

    Also the book of the script is out at the end of the week, from the usual places but this is a link to the publisher:


    Click on "forthcoming" for details.

    Cheers all



  4. PM me your email fella and I'll send you the story.

    No, didn't go to Buckie High, I had the misfortune of moving down south for most of my childhood hence the mixed up accent and the lack of a decent education...

    The pubs in Buckie generally are death traps, I tend to stick to Cullen these days for fear of being accused of being English...

  5. Hope no one minds me plugging this on here, but I have a new radio play airing on the BBC this week. It's set in my native Cullen in 1969... cue plenty of period music!

    Some details are here:





    Anyone listening in, I do hope you enjoy it.

  6. Has anyone else read this book? It's Morley's coming to terms with his father's suicide when PM was a teenager. It sounds like pretty grim stuff but it is a fascinating, tricksy novel which ("kiss my ash"), which while overlong, is genuinely captivating. Just wanted to put a recommendation on there. It's a novel full of fabulous moments, such as an account of the first time he heard his father say f*** and how that suddenly made him see his father in a different light.

    Worth a look folks.

  7. I prefer to be served by a human and i dislike machines doing human jobs, but I wouldn't boycott tescos on principle as a shop because their wraps are fucking amazing. and in the grand scheme of things, if we all did then we'd put a lot more people out of work and those little high street businesses would become the new supermarkets. Life's too short me thinks. As long as supermarkets don't obliterate small business completely which they haven't yet and probably never will since you can't have a supermarket on every street but small business can exist anywhere, I'm happy to use both as and when.

    But self-service checkouts, hmmm, so so but I prefer to be served by a person and not encourage cutbacks on staffing.

  8. there's a few people on here that seem to be up Phil Collins' ass.......

    Not at all I just hate tabloids and the people who believe everything they read in them. There are people more worthy of hatred than a pop star from years ago who could certainly drum. I didn't realise getting diovorced made someone a wanker.

    I think delboy hits the nail on the head.

  9. How fantastic. As I read it I thought it was gonna be one of those ones that hold zillions of songs and cost a pound a song, but as ever the Moorings comes up trumps!

    PS Sorry I didn't bring the cast in on Saturday Flash, by the time we hit the town the bands would have been on!

  10. Sounds like an excellent opportunity to wheel out my "10 Reasons to Hate Phil Collins" list again:

    1. Playing both Live Aids and feeling very pleased with himself about it.

    2. Playing all the instruments on the "Both Sides" album just to show off (even though he can't play guitar and his keyboard/guitar simulations were awful).

    3. Miami Vice

    4. "Discovering" world music about 15 years after Paul Simon and Peter Gabriel' date=' and releasing a Graceland knock-off. On the plus side, that seemed to kill off his career, record sales wise, so it wasn't all bad.

    5. Yes, we know you played the Artful Dodger in Oliver. Stop going on about it at every available opportunity in an attempt to paint yourself as a loveable, cocney, cheeky-chappie. Beacuse you're not.

    6. Tarzan, although it did lead to the hilarous post-awards reaction from South Park's Trey Parker & Matt Stone ("I can't believe we lost to Phil Collins") and subsequent ridicule in South Park

    7. Dumping his wife by fax and shagging his nanny

    8. He, along with his Genesis co-horts (Gabriel excluded) bought a sizeable section of Mull. They allowed the planting of thousands of non indigenous pine trees that managed to turn the land into an acidy swamp that nothing could live off.

    9. The lyrics to Another Day in Paradise

    10. Buster

    PS Did he dump his latest wife by fax as well?[/quote']

    Yawn. 7 and 8 are untrue. The fax story was invented by the Sun, it was Chris de Burgh who shagged his nanny, and he has no associartions with Mull, that's a different bandmember.

  11. Here's hopw Christian these people are: the night of the tv broadcast the Director General had recieved death threats and was under guard. And what's more the protestors outside tv centre, when they finally decided to leave, left more rubbish behind them than chavs on a picnic. Charming.

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