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steve corps

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Posts posted by steve corps

  1. basically spike's deal is this: they have 10 second one riff songs' date=' basically ripping off the 'hilarious' napalm death thing where each one is like 4 seconds long. This works to their advantage in 2 ways.

    1. Crowd has never heard Napalm Death or any grindcore/blast beat based music. Crowd goes 'Man! They're fucking ace! Who would have thought a band would play 5 second songs with really fast drums!' - Spike get to take credit for doing badly what a thousand bands have done already.

    2. Crowd goes 'What the fuck - this isn't music, it's just 3 dudes going RARR and playing as fast as they can...' - Spike can just say "Well I wouldn't expect a little kid like you who listens to emo to understand extreme music"

    I would imagine if they were slagging the crowd or band off that they were trying to earn 'anti-scene' credibility but the sad fact is that nobody really sees them as anything other than a novelty act (apart from the ones who have heard this shit before in the last 20 years)[/quote']

    aye, i back that 110%.said better than i've ever managed.

  2. have not heard it yet' date=' but am intrigued.

    im currently obsessed with the Dagda album. new one out soon.

    also,, even more obsessed with this.


    The Dagda - The Staues Gaze Upwards - Live in Galway

    richt click to donwlaod the video.

    Lyncher added on vocals just made them go form good(as on the CD with just Glyn doing vox) to fucking amzing.

    oooh, The Dagda.

    wrong thread?

    donny has a dagda album which is really, really good.i forget the name.

  3. Funniest. Line. Ever.

    Hey dude' date=' are you going down to the Weege next Sunday to see Isis? Shaz ExDrakes is hassling me about heading down, but I don't have a ticket. You think it would sell out? Give me a shout, if I decide to go then you're welcome to come down in me agony wagon with me an Shaz.[/quote']

    did plan to go mate, and that would have been cool beans but the gig is sold out already i believe, resulting in me picking up an extra shift.thanks for the offer though and good luck!

  4. To be honest if i'm working behind a bar and some cunt pisses me off i will bar him straight away...if their gona be an arse then they can die for all i care. Bar staff have to put up with so much shit day in/day out and thats why they tend to lose their patience quickly. They dont need to even give a reason why...they can refuse anyone at their own discretion.

    I was in the tunnels tues night and the bar staff in there really need to learn how to smile.

    well done, i'll refuse you at my discretion next time we meet.

  5. well i'm not sure that I'd describe my current state as almost having a seizure.

    I would describe it as bemused and offended that people would gladly give 5 to this muppet for this piece of shit band' date=' when the real LiveStrong bands raise money for charity.

    Surely you see that this concept is quite disgusting in that he is trying to make personal profit by undermining a good cause.[/quote']

    i would describe your current state as almost having a seizure.

    i find the concept of threatening violence towards a stranger over a rubber band way more disgusting than making personal profit (tenuously i may add) by undermining a good cause.

    you disgusting moron.

  6. so i take it you are one of those Livewrong morons?

    not at all, i hadnt even heard of them until today.just thought it mildly amusing you are almost having a seizure over someone wearing an elastic band, of the type you didnt agree with.would you really, really 'ruin someones shit' if you spotted one? really? isnt that also moronic etc?

  7. the upbeat, thumping werewolf corps track 'tomb' has found its way onto this very odd compilation put together by the extremely cool miles morris.


    first junk tape (...#1) of found sound and artist submitted works will be

    ready for consumption mid-late march.

    ...#1 consists of:

    lifted answering machine tapes, finnish beer psych, faith healing, shopping mall karaoke,

    israeli prog, screamin', cryin', lovin', etc...

    the following...a select listing of artists who very graciously submitted their work:

    salo (s. florida) - one man bedroom doom, gold chains, pills...

    hjarljuchte (germany) - mounting loops overlap to create beautiful slight

    melody...forest presence.

    seven arts - cute karaoke for monsters...

    deprong mori - first transmission of cold droning static...

    hum of the druid (olywa)- purgatorial drone influenced exclusively by

    natural landscapes and french black metal.

    price of cass. is $3.00 which will cover price of one cassette and shipping.

    (all releases come packaged in handmade baggies w/ 1" pin featuring veritable logo face affixed.)

    paypal to thepalmdavid@hotmail.com


    e-mail above address for money order options.

    check back soon for release updates...


    worth it for hum of the druid alone folks.

  8. good thread

    the ones i'd go for....

    from 'slow, deep and hard'

    unsuccessfully coping with the natural beauty of infidelity

    gravitational constant: G=6.67 x 10`8 cm`3 gm`1 sec`2

    from 'bloody kisses'

    christian women

    bloody kisses(a death in the family)

    blood and fire

    from 'october rust'

    love you to death

    wolf moon (including zoanthropic paranoia)


    from 'world coming down'

    world coming down

    creepy green light

    all hallows eve

    pyretta blaze

    wolf moon is a fucking amazing tune.

    "not long ago but far away, a rainy winters day..."

  9. I lived down there for a while' date=' and there was guy who killed someone in his house, cut off his hand and walked round Great Junction Street tapping people on the shoulder with it.[/quote']

    thats a very good story, one i may add to my vast collection of tales if you dont mind.do you have more facts?

  10. but if you stayed up night after night' date=' you'd die. i don't know this for an absolute medical fact, but i suspect it to be the case. drawback.[/quote']

    after having a fantastic nights sleep in my king size cosy bed i retract my statement and now veer towards agreeing with yours.but...

    ...ask yourselves, is it better to be more punk or more rawk n roll? and wouldnt it be noble to die for your musical cause? what did you have for breakfast?

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