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steve corps

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Posts posted by steve corps

  1. I don't put on gigs' date=' but even so I am banning Stranded from ever playing shows that I promote.[/quote']

    i've banned them from both my pubs, and also from playing america and also from playing in japan.forever, i may add.

  2. don't worry though' date=' the day I make a serious comment on this board I'll put a little disclaimer explaining so.[/quote']

    are you seriously saying your post wasnt a 'wooo, look at me, i like this cool hardcore band no one else has ever heard of, and becuase of this i am cooler than all of you' type post that backfired?

    sorry, must have read it all wrong.

  3. filthpact

    i love the new 7", best thing you guys have done.

    scapegoat and closed gates especially, fucking raging.the whole thing honestly sounds like a collision between infest/crossed out and his hero is gone.the vocals are outstanding, this seriously pisses on pretty much every other local band claiming 'aggression' or 'brutality'.i cant comment on the lyrics as they are polar opposites to my my beliefs in many cases but i know dave to have complete conviction in them and thats good enough for me.production wise, it sounds harsh and ugly, as it should.drenched in feedback and rough as fuck.thats how it is ladies, go buy it before it sells out you godamned chumps.

    "we distort the honest truth"

  4. http://www.wakingrecords.com/mp3s/TSWS-what_was_guy_pierce_thinking.mp3

    Steve come to Violent minds and bring Donny its been too long since i saw you both.

    i actually booked an a/l from work so i can make it.didnt come to moorings simply due to you bunch being the only band i wanted to see, and i couldnt warrent 7 bucks for twenty minutes, as nice as that would have been.absolutely love the new 7" btw, was off to post in the mp3 thread mate.

  5. That didn't happen to be at the same night that Sammat etc were absolutely fucked and running around the basement* "slapping" each other with knives' date=' was it?

    EDIT:* not the basSment[/quote']

    luckily no, it was from some cunting ned in peterhead.

    i am a veteren of a few samat/knive slap fights though, we have video evidence of both a ghurka knife ass slash accident and medical support of said injury involving a pill and much laughter.

  6. cracking my coxcxy or however you spell it' date=' when i was abiout 14

    one of the sorest things you could EVER imagine

    you cant shit, laugh, sneeze, move, site down properly, lie down properly without it hurting like fuck


    a literal broken ass.i've heard tales of a few people who have done that, never pleasant surprisingly.

    i was stabbed once near the groin which was brutal and once pulled a very, very sore tooth with pliers and no anesthetic.toss up between those probably.

  7. I disagree steve corps! I didnt think any of the bands were bad' date=' though am not sure bout strobing goat winning? They were different, maybe even original, but that doesnt necessarily mean better. I personally thought the third band probably had the edge n shudv won, but then it was more my cup of tea!!

    Just my opinion

    JC :band:[/quote']

    no worries, i disagree with myself all the time.i liked the fourth band personally, but i wasnt there so i cant really make comment further.

  8. your band were pretty bad.

    strobing goat were pretty good.

    you lost.

    its not rocket science.

    actually, i wasnt there so ignore me.but also, i may be correct so think about it a bit.another thing, battle of the bands are stupid, so dont expect rational, sensible outcomes.dont enter these things if you cant cope with losing, however unfairly.also, take the kettle off the boil a moment before making coffee, so as not to sour the taste.

    thats all the info i am willing to divulge on this fine day.

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