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Posts posted by TR!ΔNGL€ T€€TH

  1. 3 hours ago, Adam Easy Wishes said:

    IIRC, you have about a week post-purchase to bring any issues with a boiler up with the seller, after which you're basically screwed.

    Perhaps as long as a month. There will be a lawyer type person that can confirm?

  2. Laika Come Home is proud to present an evening of doom, drone and noise rock to bleaken your midwinter, featuring performances from:


    Brilliantly intense, droney doom-gaze (I hate that word, but I'm going to use it anyway because it's apt). Seriously affecting, entrancing, immersive and brutal visceral sonic (and often visual) assault. Album "Beholden To Nothing and No One" is a delightful lesson in imaginative atmospheric ambience and modest rider demands.

    Do not miss this, just don't, okay?



    A rare solo appearance by Dirtdrinker guitarist and drone artist Mark Rennie. Fantastically dark, bleak, chill-inducing imagery inspired by the darker elements of folklore and mythology. Anatomically imposing images where bright, faceless pits of eyes burn out from animal hoods on human forms against a backdrop of eerie forests and industrial towers. With his solo drone project, PART-DOG creates an appropriately intense, brooding and lush drone-driven soundtrack to accompany his artwork.



    Local Aberdeen sludge band, combining low tunings, elements of drone and doom with a juggernaut-load worth of volume and superb presence. A band who can go from all-out hardcore thrash, to the brooding Earth-esque brilliance of "Khonsu" and back again with aplomb. Yas. 



  3. If he was still a moderator, I'd start a petition for his dismissal.



    We can start a petition for his dismissal from the site completely?


    Are there even any moderators anymore? Can we just chuck him off?

    I'm surprised he still has time to post on this site, what with his preoccupation with shagging computer wrestlers.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Adult colouring books. I refuse to be friends with anyone who owns one.



    I dunno man, that's a bit harsh. They're primarily used as a mindfulness technique to treat anxiety disorder AFAIK



    Lemonade, intolerant of mental illness, the hateful bastard.

    • Upvote 3
  5. Sandy, Sandy and Sandi? Christ. 

    This is what we really should be focussing on, everyone in the Thom family seems to be called Sandy. Imagine if they utilised that for entertainment purposes, rather than the MOR singer-songwriting? Endless possibilities, Saturday night entertainment, a chat show with all of them hosting, perhaps a sitcom... 

  6. Most importantly though, how well does this unit push out a pinched harmonic, on a scale of 1 to :headbang:

    I unleashed a pretty fearsome pinch out of nowhere on Friday night. There was some guy at the front with a head. When the pinch was over, he didn't have a head, mission accomplished.


    Very surprised in how articulate the amp 1 is in a live setting. Even though I am playing with what could only be described as a crap load of fuzz, the amp really responded to dynamics in my playing technique*.



    *pinch harmonics and pick scrapes

    • Upvote 1
  7. So i tried the amp 1 at rehearsal tonight and it was beasting. Loads of headroom, barely any noise and it loved my pedals. This amp weighs less than my guitar, super impressed.

    Plus, i can now unleash ULTRA METAL tones, yaldy. The volume made my DD6 pop open and my guitar's volume knob fly off.

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