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Alan Cynic

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Posts posted by Alan Cynic

  1. I dare say he doesn't know much about anything.

    Enjoyed the Dons game last night. Mawene and Gonzales look like great signings, couldn't really judge Osborne, good to have Foster back, the young guys coming through look good - particularly Robertson - and Pawlett looks like he's going to tear the SPL apart if Villarreal don't put in a bid for him before the window shuts :D

    All this English pish and big money 'will he? won't he?' transfer speculation doesn't interest me. Money, money, money. The SPL is where it's at. Godspeed Saturday! Starting line up for St. Johnstone game?

    My thoughts exactly!!!!

  2. Any other Dons fans reckon our signings so far look like just the ticket!? Only 1 tricky forward required to make a damned fine team. My fiver on the Dons for the league doesn't look so daft (well...not quite as daft, maybe).

  3. The above post is the kind of thing I'd like to see more of...maybe part of an A-Z of Aberdeen bands since the 50s. Ideally with photos.

    Adam...the Great Scots Musicography was a large format book by Martin Strong. It wasn't overly accurate with my entry either (apparently my career 'went down the plughole in the early 90s'.)

  4. I've seen them live, and been on the same bill as Malcolm Middleton once at Tunnels and Bill'n'Aidan at Tryptych. But, like you, I've only really got into their music more recently. I have got a cool cdr of them live in Sweden, if you'd like a copy?

  5. Double lunch time Rosemount stalk - Alan Cynic (I think) walking past Sainsbury's whilst putting on a black Thinsulate bunnet followed by Graham Knight walking past the Barber's Pole in standard white shirt/black trouser combo.

    Good one.... I was doing my Rosemount charity shops trawl, but inwardly moaning that I'd forgotten my reading specs.

  6. 2 pretty decent guitarists from Aberdeen...Billy Bremner and Dave Flett.

    Everything started round about here... first air-breathimg thing to crawl from the sea was frm Stoney, as was Rabbie Burns' dad. Plus Elvis' family came fromhereabouts. :)

  7. Yep...an excellent film (Pan's Labyrinth). Watched Mystic River last night....didn't impress me as much as it did Luke 1976, but still a good watch, with a great cast. Although well-acted I wasn't particularly surprised by the plot.

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