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Sue Denim..

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Posts posted by Sue Denim..

  1. God, I always thought Barney Rubbles was the pre-windmill bar .... now some french food place. I must have been drunk back then.

    Don't forget Glow 303 / Kef.

    Oh Henry's used to be good. Don't even know if it still exists as a bar.

    Dr Drakes, when it was still at the Castle Gate.

    That bar on Bridge street where we used to have goth nights. (The one with the really tall doors that's eternally shut now.)

  2. Unfortunately for the Police, they can't be in every bar all the time. Therefore, if you take drugs and see them testing people, go somewhere else for the time being.

    It's hardly going to change the world. What bugs me most is the infringment of my civil liberty. Why can I not go into a pub and order a drink without getting tested? And why just pubs? Do drug users not also walk into shops?

    I can just imagine the outrage if they set up shop inside Marks and Spencer and started testing everyone with swabs on the way in.

  3. Continued from the 'Rant' thread...

    Banks. Shit, shit, shit. Direct Debits - they're a huge scam aren't they? Is it that difficult for a payment top come out on the day it's meant to? Evidently it is, either that or the bank (in my case, the fucking TSB) takes the money early (when you have no money), or late (when you have no money); cue charges, bounced payments etc. I'm semi-convinced that they watch your account and pick their optimum moment to screw you over - holding the money in 'limbo' to get the interest. Cunts.

    Also, my girlfriend suspected she'd had her indentity theived, weird payments appeared on her statement (to chinese restaurants in Cambridge and the like), even stranger was that the amounts and dates matched payments she had really made. She contacted her bank, Barclays, and it turns out they'd just randomly doubled up on her genuine payments and allocated them to random bussinesses, again in 'limbo' making the bank interest, a "glitch in the system" apparently. Bullshit, they took the money out in order to charge her for being overdrawn, even though it was against payments she didn't make or authorise, and to make interest off her cash. Cunts.

    Any similiar experiences?

    My bank, Lloyds just sent me a crappy diary and had the nerve to charge me 16 quid for it!! Who the fuck uses a diary these days?

  4. Just finished The Watchmen. I didn't think I'd really like graphic novels, but I was properly engrossed. Definitely one of the best reads I've had in quite some time.

    I keep telling people to read this but they just don't want to read a 'comic'. It's fantastic.

    I also recommend The Preacher graphic novels.

  5. You forgot to mention the obligatory sob story... "I'm doing this because 'sob' it was my dying wife's wish for me to play the spoons in front of Prince Charles at a Royal variety performance..."

    Utter shite. Bring back the muppet show.

    • Upvote 2
  6. What bugs the fuck out of me is that there are never enough taxis to service Aberdeen crowds at the weekend.

    What's wrong with introducing weekend-only licences for extra taxis. . ... Oh, I know the answer to that, our incompetent councellors backed down from the idea when a lot of irate cabbies started shouting down the idea as it would take away their lively hood.

    This from the fucking taxis that take me to and from the airport when I go offshore and have the cheek to say stuff like ... " I gave up the offshore business years ago mate... more money in this business....... that'll be 20". And they expect a tip, they can Fuck right off!.

    .... actually, that is, they used to take me to and from the airport. Now I take the bus for 1.80. As are more and more offshore types.

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