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Sue Denim..

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Posts posted by Sue Denim..

  1. Is there anyway capitol punishment could not be considering inhumane?

    I remember Michael Portaloo ;) did a documentary about humane ways to kill the condemned and the best way (if I remember correctly) was to put them in a compression chamber, take them to a ridicilous pressure and then decompress until they feel pleasantly giddy and pass-out.

    Apparently a nice way to go.

    I'm sure he said something about some dude managing to replicate the effect using some kind of gas.

  2. Just finished "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo."

    Brilliant. The story is actually overshadowed by one of the best characters in a book I've ever read.

    It's in my top 10 best books.

    I wish I'd brought the sequel offshore with me.

  3. I'm not a fan of the death penalty but I can see why China killed this man.

    He wasn't retarded... far from it. He managed a taxi company.

    Somehow he got conned into taking 4kg of heroin into China.

    I find it hard to believe (even if he was bipolar) that he didn't know what he was doing.

    If his drugs had hit the street he could have contributed to the deaths of over 28000 people.

    I'd rather he spent a long time in prison but sympathy is something that won't be coming from me for this wretch.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Outstanding! The lyrics in that song are fucking hysterical.

    "And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time" - really?

    "Do they know it's Christmas time at all?" - yup, that definitely needs to be addressed.

    Feed the world man.

    "No Rain or river flows"..... hang on, what about The Nile, The Congo and the Zambeze?

    Bob Geldof, he should know about famine, he's been feeding of 'I don't like Mondays' for fucking years!

  5. I downloaded RATM. Not because I give a flying fuck about the Christmas No.1 but because hearing the tune took me back to the magical days of The Palace when I could 'dance' to Killing in the Name without coughing up a lung afterwards and needing to sit down with a cup of tea for 20mins.

    And I never bought the album at the time because I was always skint.

  6. ******************MILD STIEG LARRSON SPOILERS********

    I started/finished The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest yesterday evening/wee hours of the morning. I thought it should have ended a wee bitty sooner than it did as anything after the warehouse confrontation sort of weakened the sense of finality. All in all though a cracking end to the trilogy, although I still think the second book is the strongest of the three.

    I've just bought 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' but I'm saving it for when I go offshore over Christmas / New Year.

    That should make my trip even more miserable!

  7. I've heard good things about Union Square, so I'm allowing that opinion to override all you negative nancys. Home made Burger place sounds tits.

    Well I went to the red indian place and got a burger that made me wish I'd gone to Sizzlers but hey "It's Happening"

    Oh hell yeah.... it's happening!

  8. I think I might be in an advert for the shopping centre.

    Some camera crew came up to me (obviously because they like the 'hung-over look') and asked me to stare into the camera and say "It's Happening!"

    I can see the start of a new career on the horizon.

  9. I'd like to think that the trick couldn't be done if the balls had horizontal stripes on them because It could be possible for the number to be printed on the underside of the ball as the result is announced, the ball then rotated so that the number shows on the front. (or the side not facing us if you like.) Just like printing the lion on an egg. This also explains why he didn't touch the balls (the ink would be wet) and why the camera was low definition (you'd see the balls rotate)

    The glass stand would refract any cable going through it provided the cable doesn't go directly up the middle.

    That's my theory anyway.

    Derren Brown has obviously read 'The 13 steps of Mentalism' by Corinda because he has used some of his tricks before. You'll find a few of his tricks in there and in 'Practical Mentalism' by Anneman.

  10. Dystopias are great, I mean shit, but great.

    You should read 'The City and The City' by China Mieville.

    If you like 1984, Brave New World, Neverwhere, Steampunk, Kafka and suchlike.

    Also just finished 'Un Lun Dun' by China Mieville. (Dystopia for junior readers.)

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