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Sue Denim..

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Posts posted by Sue Denim..

  1. Wondering if this is a viable idea.

    Any chance we could get Dan to add in names of albums he's added to the jukebox recently. Maybe a once a week update or something? There's so much that get's put on, it'd be cool to know what's been added rather than searching through all the stuff that's on there.

    Eyehategod? Yas!

    Also, suggestions/recommendations/demands for any new stuff?

    Fu Manchu - The Action is Go!

    Good Idea.... so long as it's on its own thread and doesn't get swamped with requests.

  2. "Hi, I'd love to get to know you, even just your name would be very helpful???

    Maybe if we can get to know each other a little better you could explain why you threw a drink over me, since I have absolutely NO idea who you are, or why you did it???

    I did have a laugh about it, and a really good night, so I'm just confused by it all!

    Anyways CHEERS! :-)

    p.s do you like Corona?"

    Seems to be a theme going on here. Are all Aberdeen guys worthy of getting drinks thrown at them?

    If so, I like Jagermeister.....

  3. Well it looks like I'll be paying more for booze and fags.

    I'm still not going back to smoking roll-ups though. They're fucking vile.

    And as for booze, not even the enticement of cheap beer will get me to waste a night out by visiting Archibald Simpsons.

    So fuck you Darling, your attempt to turn me into a shell-suit wearing chav has failed...... at least until fags become 7 a packet and pints 3!

  4. The Preacher graphic novels are well worth a look, I'm totally with you there.

    The Sandman stuff was pretty good but its been years since I've read them and now they just sit on the bookshelf alongside Watchmen and lots of RPG rulebooks.

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