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Pierre Von Mondragon

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Posts posted by Pierre Von Mondragon

  1. I'm not digging the bold format.

    In no particular order

    Earth at Stereo, Glasgow in April

    The Congos at the African Carribean Centre Glasgow (can't remember the month)

    Anvil at the Cathouse in June

    Ubre Blanca at the Captains Rest/Art School

    all good, Earth was the best one.

  2. Just ordered a new custom fuzz from my preferred manufacturer, a version of the crazy green one earlier in this thread, but in a closed unit format, with some adjustables, and an osscillator fuzz thang if the dude works the circuit out, in a faded blue enclosure like this one...

  3. Whoah, back up. You've changed your tune on capital punishment, haven't you?

    No, extrajudicial revenge killing for that chunt, if he lucks out or flees to judicial jurisdiction then he'll get a fair trial, but if some Syrian relatives/victims get hold of him, then he will reap very real and concrete CONSEQUENCES for his ACTIONS. Life is complicated, everything can't be consistent, it could even be said that consistency is the sign of a rigid and predictable mind*. I firmly believe that Government's should never sink to legal murder, and revenge can't be legalised either. But if anyone needs removed from the face of the earth post-haste, whether in hot-blooded revenge, or to rot in the Hague, it is that scumbag. If I was a Syrian, and I caught him, I can't say I definitely wouldn't start beating him to fuck, with bits of metal and stuff, dunno, it is a bit of an imaginative stretch, some reactions can never be known in advance.

    Hope I've clarified things.

    *Tidy desk=tidy mind

    Tidy mind = Empty mind

  4. Earth 'Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light 1'

    Mellowhype 'Blackenedwhite'

    Tyler the Creator 'Goblin' the half of it that is good is great, the other half is reactionary ding though


    that's about it, mainly on old stuff I hadn't heard yet all year, bit of Walter Wegmuller anyone?!

    There is something else I can't recall...

  5. His whole channel is hilarious.

    "Nations I support:


    Made me think of Jez from Peep Show, "Mark likes Israel, I'm Palestine. Makes it much more interesting if you pick sides."


    That kid is twice the age of some of the kids who have been tortured to death by the Assad goon squad, the callous scumbag knows not how fortunate he is, certainly as he deserves that treatment far more than they do.*

    *Obv no-one deserves torture, but supporters of torturing deserve it more than anyone else, if anyone ever did truly deserve it.

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