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Pierre Von Mondragon

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Posts posted by Pierre Von Mondragon

  1. I'm a long-standing U2 hater, about as long as I've hated Bon Jovi, so '85 was when it really kicked in. They were actually still the height of trendcool then, hard as that may be for the young to comprehend, and I've seen nothing to contradict that viewpoint yet. And that is not taking any of the peripheral bullshit into consideration, on the music alone, gads.

  2. I liked the dudes blog post, as I like massive over-analysis, and anyone who'll go to that length to tie U2 into every shitty thing the writer hates about about modern society can't be bad. But mainly it is about how Humans have a huge talent for self-deception.

  3. To the Devil a Daughter

    Mid-70's Hammer film about a young nun (Natassia Kinski) who goes to live with an occult writer while Christopher Lee's shady priest tries to resurrect some demon or something. I was playing on-line poker while watching this so maybe my attention wasn't really on it enough but it seemed a bit confused plot-wise.


    And you gain 5 Dennis Wheatly points.

  4. Never thought of Laney as a budget brand, except some of their solid state stuff, Tony Iommi as endorsee is cred enough for anyone. Guitarist is always raving about H&K stuff, but if I was sourcing a valve amp for c500 or under (as I hope to be in the next year max), I'd try a Jet City or Egnater first, based on an aggregate of a few reviews, and I'd buy it in a place, rather than the netz. In your place I'd prob get the Laney, but all good.

  5. I want the Booooomb, I want the PFunk, I wants to get funked up.

    Other than that I once saw a Shakatak album with a really funny merchandise leaflet, was tempted by the Shakatak Hessian bag available... missed chances, eh?

    Hey Fool an' the Gang! etc

  6. but no...an all white cast or I don't watch it!

    Ah, you aren't smart enough to watch Repo Man, fair enough.


    "You like music, listen to this. I was into these dudes before anyone. Wanted me to be their manager. I called bullshit on that. Managing a pop group, aint no job for a man. "

  7. The new Uni library would look better if they take that funny looking tape (?) off it, I've looked at photos of the site, and I only went there for 5 years, but I still can't understand where exactly the thing is, is it in the bit between Meston and the Engineering building, and how the fuck does it fit in there? I'll have a look next time I'm up whenever that is. I want to like it though, and it looks a damn sight nicer than the 12 floor academic library I work in, although it has its own brutalist majesty, and awsome views.

  8. Is 'at him symbolically holding up the Royal Burgh charter, ta for the photo, any of the architectural details of redevelopment, and does it sustain the mighty character of the building. Was it not paid for from the Common Good Fund, created by the charter itself, for a nice bit of completion of the tale.

  9. Finally got my hands on Gun Face, hand point to point wired Distortion and Clean Boost. The boost is a Super Hard on circuit, well it crackles, and is OK, with the dudes own Fallen Angel dist circuit. Only had half an hour so far, but the Distortion sounds good on its own, but only the level is tweakable, like my fuzz it increases in gain with the hotness of signal it is fed. With my fuzz from the same guy, it is unreal, all the rich variants on classic fuzz. Shit I thought it sounded ace feeding off a Digitech Grunge, it did, but this has more definition, and audibly richer tone. And it was 25, + 20p&p, because it is made from the arse end of an old artillery shell and solid brass. Ace +infinity.




    The Gun Face - this is a true one off | Facebook


  10. I'm not comparing careers just stating that the recent output I've heard from both bands, Quo's was better as the last Dylan I heard was the Christmas album, which was beyond awfull: I enclose a clip from his Christmas album playable at the amazon download site: Amazon.com: Hark The Herald Angels Sing: Bob Dylan: MP3 Downloads

    Dylan is undoubtedly the more influential artist and is the greater artist over his career which is why he should know better ;) Quo are just great fun and don;t take themselves too seriously, at least since their noses fell out.

    Aye man, you were definitely on the noise up though when the Quo tune you produced as 'evidence' was the Anniversary Waltz, shit, that's worse than Margarita Time, *shudders*, but for internets noise up, 'twas the perfect choice.

    There is some defence for 70s Quo, but not a shred for 80s, and that is a direct ruling from the Associated Tribunal for What is Artistically Tasteful.

  11. Looks like AV is fucked, but our Safety Blanket has gained a new edge and the political map has become a lot more interesting/quite frankly fucking strange, as long as Salmond doesn't sign off on UTG, as I deeply suspect he will/would.

    Innerestin timez

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