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Everything posted by FatHand

  1. Looks pretty good, gutted I'm missing this one. Berlin will be fun though I'm sure
  2. I thought this was really good! Great musicains
  3. FatHand

    Musicians Wanted

    Where else are you looking other than here? You should put up a poster in Bell's place on Rosemount viaduct, or at least ask them if they know of anyone.
  4. Saw that dude, was just looking for a bit more detail... no bother though, price is right
  5. what kind of processor is it? celeron D, centrino, core duo...? Great price!
  6. I think you've now established that you don't like our band in every way you know how. Objective achieved it seems. I dont understand the motivation behind your disgust but much of it is probably mostly due to my reaction I expect. I am proud of this project and defence of its validity shouldnt be confused for getting upset or not being able to take criticism. Ive got a feeling that any reply I make you will find something to pick at. Now I'll explain why we got a live recording (incidentally, there were more than 2 people there ). From the start of this project we always had a time limit. The objectives, from the band perspective, were to produce music that we enjoyed playing in order to perform it and ultimately record. The reason for the time frame was due to Hugo effectively being on an extended holiday here. 6 months, it turns out, is a pretty tough deadline to achieve all of that (this included the time it took to assembling the band). But, as you are aware having followed our progress with morbid fascination, we did it. By the time we reached the Moorings, our final gig, we were playing very tight and had enough well rehearsed material to record the set (completing our final task). Had we not done this we would have no record of what we accomplished or any way of truly hearing where we could improve. I dont think you are really in a position to tell me when a good time to record a live set is remind me again which bands you play in or have played in? There are still many parts to this project on the go. We are writing new tunes, having to develop them in different ways due to the distance from our MC - getting ready to put a show on in November in the Tunnels. I dont think any of this interests you though as you view it as pretentious and pointless according to previous responses. It would be refreshing if you could have a constructive conversation but that is entirely your prerogative. Thanks for taking a look at the tunes though
  7. I'll send you a list... it's not very long though! Pretty happy with the way they sound, just a few annoying mistakes on my part and some loose ending but that's live performance for you! Recording sounds tight though
  8. I've just re-set up one. I'd say the player is much better than Myspace - you can add more tracks at higher quality so I don't see what the problem is other than the brand name.
  9. I'm not a fan of that sort of metal vocal, especially when I can't make out what is being said. It can be done well I suppose but not here I feel. This destracts from what could possibly be bearable enough music in the background. You should probably get a more balanced recording, it doesn't have to be special or expensive even just mic up a practice room. Done that before and got something reasonable to listen back to and see where songs could improve. Most of the time when you have a recording of something you've created your brain fill in the gaps in shitty recordings or if you have played badly. I don't know what it's supposed to sound like from what you have put up. What do you think of it and where is it going musically?
  10. For all of the Bebo users out there I've created a Bebo as well. Seems as though there is no limit to the number of tracks you can put up plus they can be of higher quality... I did not realise this. So I've put up all of the tracks we recorded here - including the ones where I make some pretty horrible blunders but that is a live show for you!!! The shame http://www.bebo.com/NoSoucis I find the quality of the drums surprising - better than any recording that has taken time to set up!
  11. They have to played loud with a lot of bass! Stick them on the jukebox. You going to want a copy of the video too? going to sync the recordings up to the film we took.
  12. I believe that we are also not on your top friends The reason for this, it appears, is that we aren't even friends!! I've sent you a request and will put you up on the "top friends" pedestal as you would like. Really like those recordings, it's great to capture the moment. It's quite an expensive moment but worth it in my opinion. I'm pleased that there is an after service should there be any small changes to be made. What constitutes a small change by the way?
  13. Alright, Have a listen and all the rest. MySpace.com - No Soucis - Aberdeen / Lyon, UK - Hip Hop / Experimental / Freestyle - www.myspace.com/nosoucis Colin
  14. I really enjoyed dub side of the moon. I'm going to go to this one... 12 is no more than you would pay to see them in the Lemon Tree.
  15. Got to go to this!!!! They're amazing, if you haven't heard them look them up.
  16. I agree with the comments above. Great fun festival. It was completely family friendly which gave a nice atmosphere. For the number of people that were there, the venues were the correct size. For their first time, I thought the organisation was superb. From what I heard, there were a lot of people who voluteered to help out so thanks to them for helping make it so enjoyable. As a performer, I thought the sound was great and the guys running it were slick. They kept everything running pretty much on time. Main tent sound system was quality, really tight crisp sound. On top of the bands mentioned already, I thought the xcerts were really good. They had a pretty rubbish time slot - 12.30 on Saturday - but they did really well and snapped me out of my hangover!
  17. Just got a laptop and an Mbox for recording and live stuff to use with the Access Virus i bought. Very pleased with all of those purchases and it came no where near to what I was expecting to pay and had budgeted for. Expect to hear some nasty happy synth music soon on a myspace page or other. It's already been hugely useful and amazing sound for my funk/rap/hiphop group despite my shallow knowlege of it's capability (vast array of paramaters). I can't recomend it highly enough. :up:
  18. Blast from the past! I like it, funnily enough reminds me of dougal's room.
  19. I tried out medicine for a bit a year after my degree. Spent that year working in the Children's hospital to get some decent experience (which it really was). Quit medicine after about 9 months for many reasons but after that spent at least a year and a half bumming around in shitty jobs - this gave loads of time for music. I have never seen this as wasted time, improved my playing individually and within groups, made some amazing friends and had a lot of fun. I also got my current, decent paying, job through contacts I made through music (did require my degree for this). Good luck but don't worry. Just have fun
  20. I hear R & B sell sound cards ... anyone know which ones? Want to pick one up tomorrow if they have anything suitable. Cheers
  21. Hello, get stuck in...
  22. YouTube - Borat - You Be My Wife Live On Connnnnnnnan
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