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Everything posted by Noir

  1. 1. we were in a hurry, 2. there are no trees on the motorway 3. you could die tomorrow 4. i'm a good driver
  2. i did, 95 most of the way, floored, all the way. 4 witnesses! ask lynsey, she was there also i've got mine up to 99mph so suck it!
  3. i'm a volunteer too, but i know nothing.
  4. whats the problem, its not like there's kids playing on motorways
  5. a few weeks ago i got back from glasgow in 2 hours - in a 1 litre corsa with 5 people in. needless to say, the car is fucked now.
  6. post up here some pics of funny drunk people. here's zippy and yousef at t in the park:
  7. i think we should have an autobahn
  8. its all over after today, no more getting paid to surf the net all day my boss just told me i dont actually have to do any work today, then we're finishing early and going to the pub, quality!
  9. when i phoned i just asked for more, nothing ventured nothing gained, you could've just asked for more tickets.
  10. Anyone heard of anything thats happening for freshers week? Any freshers got that book thing thats says whats going on?
  11. that happens to me too but usually when im brushing it or tugging it or something
  12. looking for a new job?
  13. maybe thats what i was thinking of, whats it about?
  14. force her to listen to troy for hours and hours!
  15. can't i'm working so i just emailed my lecturer
  16. word on the street is that there's only tickets left for tony christie
  17. did you notice this: i look like a famous person! imagine, "my job is a david hasselhof impersonator!"
  18. thats scary! the cartoon howard guy looks just like him!
  19. really quite disturbing, like some sort of gay torture
  20. was that the one with 4 cats and they had like power ranger suits and they had an underground base and a black van that came out of the ground? Edit: just checked and its not, so what am i thinking of?
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