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Everything posted by Noir

  1. i never really watched the x files, how did it end?
  2. i missed it but listened to it later on the website, they didn't get to say much.
  3. oh well, i gave in and just got an old ipod off ebay
  4. i'm going to see it again on the 25th too!!
  5. i know niall. he should of never cut his hair!
  6. sainsburys is good, i've been here over 3 years.
  7. the show was amazing! queued for 3 hours at the signing but then they had to leave
  8. does the older sony, the hd5 i think its called, have the same compression?
  9. to be honest i think all mp3 players brake as easily as one another. interesting about the sony holding more, i never realised that.
  10. right basically my mp3 player has decided to die. it was a creative zen 20gig. i'm looking for a new one thats at least 30 / 40 gig. any suggestions?
  11. damn! i missed it! sounded good!
  12. all i can say is...... wow! can't wait!
  13. about 1 i think, lol its the morning after the law ball so i'll probably still be pissed!
  14. whats this influence / reputation points thing all about?
  15. there's 2 shows? is the sunday one extra? anyway i'm mega bussing it!
  16. but my point was, do you think it was actually the uni that got it taken off?
  17. lol, wouldn't surprise me, most law students are wanks!
  18. it used to be a profile of david lessels, one of the law lecturers at aberdeen. whoever made it went and added a bunch of law students as friends (myself inculded). then one day it was all gone. there was a random song on it too.
  19. check out this myspace profile: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=52497086 think it's real?
  20. before anyone else does it: no.2 posting stupid threads like this.
  21. no.1 - saying lol in real life instead of actually laughing.
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