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Posts posted by less_than_stu

  1. Played with Apraxia @ the Moorings on Saturday. Got a bit lost in a lot of the songs, but overall, they came across as really cool live. Bassist had a fantastic voice, although it got lost a lot too. About hte samey-ness. I dunno about hte demo, but for their live set, yes they are samey. But only to the point of sticking to the one genre. True, they don't explore much outside what they know, but at least what they're doing is a bit refreshing in itself.

  2. The first bands I actually got into properly must have been Korn and Less Than Jake.

    But before that, I did like dancing on my sofa to Dire Straits or Van Morrison.

    I also distinctly remember "La Bamba" being my favourite song, until my car ate the tape that it was on. I was so upset and angry at that car! :(

  3. Man, it's hard to say cos htere are SOOO many good cartoons. Then again, there are also a lot of really bad ones.

    Obviously, I love Family Guy, Tom and Jerry and Spongebob Squarepants, but I had forgotten about legends like Samurai Jack, Wacky Races, Ren and Stimpy and Johnny Bravo.

    And, oh my god, I haven't seen Cow and Chicken in AGES!

  4. Even though I knew that link wouldn't take me anywhere, I still had to click it.... just to be sure.

    Yeah, come see Findo Gask. No idea if they're any good, but they're playing with The Void (who, by the way, are having the worst luck in the world right now involving broken wrists, broken guitars, power cuts, Minus cancelling a gig, etc, etc). Really looking forward to this gig, as we just missed out on playing with Gonga (See list of unlucky stuff above), and I've yet to see Apraxia, who I'm hoping won't pull out.

  5. I have a PC full of viruses and a 56k dial-up modem. But other members of The Void (all of them probably... wankers!) have broadband, so I'll go d/l it on their PCs as soon as I get a chance.

  6. Yeah, Turning 13 by far the best in my opinion. I love that band! I thought that guitarist from Flight 19 (that's right isn't it?) was pretty good. He added one or two really cool vocal harmonies.

    First time I've seen Small Enclosed Area. I was really quite impressed. They don't sound like a real experienced veteran-band yet, but their music is really cool and interesting. If I can get to the Moorings on Saturday, I will... although it'll mean skipping a party (noooo!!!)

  7. I think I shall be coming tonight alone. My friend and I bought tickets yesterday, but we were jsut playing football in the rain and he has dislocated (or broken) his wrist. Bugger!!!!

    What's more, he is also the guitarist in our band, and we have practice 2moro, a fucking ace gig lined up for Friday (Gonga, etc) and another gig on the 15th. Double Bugger!!!!!!!!!

    I hate going to gigs alone... you really do need company, or you end up standing around feeling awkward the whole time.

    So if you see a guy with big hair and... probably a tweed jacket, standing around looking sorry for himself..... have a heart. Feel sorry for him too. :(

  8. you can get some fucking cool sounds out of a drum machine sometimes. Wen Radiohead played the Exhibition centre, they used drum machines well, i thought, purely because they got such amazing atmospheric osunds out of them...

    ...and of course the drum'n'bass stuff in "Sit down. Stand up"

  9. Well done last night at the Malt Mill guys! It was amazing!!! Maybe my partial inebbriation had somthing to do with it, but that was an excellent set. Loved the instrument switching, with your drummer on vocals.

    "As sure as the raven flies, Pure Lead will rock!"

  10. Originally posted by psydoll:

    The joys of having more money than sense ;)

    Sorry, but this totally reminds me of Wes Borland's solo prject "ig Dumb Face". The album 'Duke Lion Fights the Terror'.

    It got terrible reviews, everyone saying it was terrible that he could release this shite, jsut cos he could afford to pay for it, and cos noone would tell him it sucked.

    But I personallly love that album. Does anyone else know of it?

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