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Posts posted by less_than_stu

  1. Certain members of The Void attended a barbecueue this evening. While other foolish people were busy incinerating various chunks of meat, myself and my accomplice Angus decided to put some of The Void's tracks from their 5-track demo onto some webspace.

    This was mainly so that we can supply the AUBL with some MP3 access if and when it becomes appropriate. However, we thought that we may as well share the link with anyone who might be interested, just in case anyone has heard of The Void and is intrigued.... or if they haven't, but somehow still opened this thread and have since become intrigued.

    The page isn't pretty, as it's really just a 'P.O. Box' for our MP3s, but hey, at least they're there.

    In short, here is a link to some of The Void's MP3s. Please give feedback, if you feel like it:


  2. Certain members of The Void attended a barbecueue this evening. While other foolish people were busy incinerating various chunks of meat, myself and my accomplice Angus decided to put some of The Void's tracks from their 5-track demo onto some webspace.

    This was mainly so that we can supply the AUBL with some MP3 access if and when it becomes appropriate. However, we thought that we may as well share the link with anyone who might be interested, just in case anyone has heard of The Void and is intrigued.... or if they haven't, but somehow still opened this thread and have since become intrigued.

    The page isn't pretty, as it's really just a 'P.O. Box' for our MP3s, but hey, at least they're there.

    In short, here is a link to some of The Void's MP3s. Please give feedback, if you feel like it:


  3. I think Mark Everett (or "E") from the Eels is a fantastic songwriter, although I haven't heard much from their new album. I also really like Psychid's songwriting ability. I think the band "Cake" also write fantastic songs.





  4. Originally posted by IamScrooge:


    What the fuck are you on about? I think Eric Euan and Orwell are ace, so why the fuck shouldn't I say so? At least I'm giving some feedback. This forum is pretty much dead, and it should be the busiest, with all the gigs that are constantly going on. If everyone was up everyone else's ass, wouldn't we have a constant stream of good reviews, rather than absolutely nothing?

  5. Well, if Femora are gonna plug their gig in an inappropriate thread, then so am I.

    You could come and see Killer Angels, The Void, Apraxia and Subsidian @ Kef instead (doors open 7pm, 4.50)

    ...'cause we wouldn't want you to go down to the moorings and get beaten up now, would we? No, here at The Void, we care about you, the customer. That's why we're offering you this once-in-a-saturday chance to stay within the (relative) safety of Belmont Street...

    ... tempted? Have I frightened you into it yet?

  6. Hm... I see both sides of this thread.

    On one hand, you're in a band, entertaining people (hopefully), essentially working, and probbaly putting money into it. You're also earning the promoter money (in theory). Of course you should get paid. Doesn't have to be a lot. My band often get 12.50 for a gig, between 4 of us, which will buy us each a beer. Sometimes, of course, we get paid more than that, which is nice.

    Sometimes, we get paid nothing. That's fine too, as long as the promoter is supplying amps for us and stuff, and has checked that we're ok to do it for free beforehand, etc. Often, we're asked to do a gig for free because, even though, we should be getting paid, and there is a crowd, one of the bands really needs petrol for the drive home to Dundee. I think it's great that bands will sacrifice their pay in favour of another band's needs.

    Also, when a band are just starting out, they're not gonna bring in a crowd, so aren't really 'earning' the promoter any money. At this early stage in a band's career, they are really after exposure, and nothing else. Really, the promoter is doing the band a favour, so there should be no question of getting paid.

    It's a tricky subject, but I think Aberdeen is ok with it. Sometimes you get paid, sometimes you don't

  7. Any feedback on the Launch Party at Drakes last night?

    The first acoustic act, Chris (don't remember his second name), astounded the audience, opening up with an instrumental (I think) piece which absolutely blew me away. It reminded me of Leo Kottke with it's fantastic intricate picking, Mark Knopfler with it's interesting styles, and there was also a bit of Chet Atkins in there I think. This man is an amazing guitarist.

    He then went on to play a set with more vocals in it, which were good, but none of hte rest of the set quite matched the epic starter. Still, one of the best acoustic acts I've had the pleasure of seeing in Aberdeen.

    After this was another acoustic act, a guy called Adam. I have to say, I didn't particularly enjoy this set, probably partly due to te immense heat building up in Drakes. The set started alright. It was quite melancholic, mood-setting music. He mad a real effort throughout hte set to stay interesting, playing harmonica and singing over various recorded backing-tracks as well, but the songs were too similair. After the first two or three songs, it just became slightly depressing.

    I don't mean to post too negative a review on him though. His music was good, and he had a very nice voice, it's jsut htat the music became very samey quite quickly.

    I've seen Orwell once before, playing with Turning 13 recently. I enjoyed them then, and enjoyed them again tonight. Each piece of music was held together by a wealth of fantastic, innovative riffs. They have a lot of energy coming form them and seem quite charismatic. The guitarist dealt well with a broken string in the first song. He covered it up so well, that I didn't even notice it was broken 'til he swapped guitars and told the audience. The one criticism I have of Orwell is that I believe their vocals are a bit of a waste of a good voice. The guitarist is a great singer, but spends most of the time shouting. I'm not against the shouting, but it really does outweigh the singing, which I htink is a shame. Overall though, a very entertaining band to watch.

    Finally, Eric Euan. As with Orwell, I have seen Eric Euan once before, at Moshulu, and the fantastic thing about their music is that I recognised lots of their songs. With a lot of bands nowadays, the set can seem to drag on a bit, as every song rolls into the next and it all becomes one big mush. But Eric Euan's riffs and vocal melodies ensure that every song can be recognised as "Oh yeah. That one". Tonight, their sound is clearer than at Moshulu, and you can hear everything better. Vocals, guitars, bass, drums; everything fits together nicely tonight and provides a very tight, highly enjoyable end to the evening.

    ...Now it's someone else's turn.

  8. I'm invited as far as I know, and I had plans for Friday night, but I managed to change them.

    Shame though, I really wanted to go play bass in a ceilidh band for some primary school kids...

    ....Don't know if I'm being sarcastic or not there.

  9. The only Slipknot song I think I would still happily listen to is "Spit It Out". I thought it was really good. I think I still know all the lyrics at speed *embarrased look*.

    Actually, I just went back and listened to Korn a few days ago, after forsaking them a long time ago. I'd forgotten how good hte "Life Is Peachy" album was.

    And they actually apologised to fans for making a rushed job of it. It's by far their best album, in my opinion.

  10. Wow!

    I opened this thread expecting to see every reply ripping the shit out of slipknot.

    I'm quite impressed that lots of folk on the music scene still like them. I have to admit I went off them a long time ago, but I don't rip it out of them like (I thought until now) most people do.

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