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Posts posted by less_than_stu

  1. I think Jools Holland is great.... I think....

    I always see in the bells at New Year at a fantastic party, which always stops as everyone crowds into the living room to see Jools Holland count down. Unfortunately, only the core music lovers watch the bands that he has on before the bells. Oh well...

    Shit! That's the second post in 3mins that I've ended with "Oh well..."

    I must end with a different word... like 'Sausage'.


  2. I don't think prices in Aberdeen are too steep. Most local gigs seem to be about 3-4, for four acts.

    The last 2 gigs I've played at:

    -Six, yes SIX bands @ the Moorings for 3:50 (Courtesy of Good For Nothing Promotions)

    -Four bands @ Drummonds last night for 1 (That's 25p a band!)

    That seems pretty good to me. Admittedly, by the time we get to 5 or more for an all-local line-up, I am less happy, but I don't question it, I know the venues in Aberdeen are generally on our side (at least in comparison with other places)

    Actually, I've been thinking recently, Aberdeen is just about the perfect size for a good local music scene, like we have. It's big enough that people can come see bands, but small enough that it isn't impossible to get a gig and you end up having to do that shitty-sounding pay-to-play thing (Anyone care explaining to me how that works?)

    Also, I totally agree with this:




    Originally posted by Nicola:

    I have only ever been in one of the booths once,it was haloween, are they even open for gigs?

    Lava was ace, I wish it hadn't changed and all that. Especially since the booths are NEVER open for gigs :( Oh well...

  3. Does anyone know the bands 'Badge' or 'Kempes'?

    The Void are playing with them tomorrow night @ Drummonds, but I have never heard of them. Just wondered if anyone else has.

    Was also trying, in the most subtle way possible, to advertise the gig, as noone has put anything in the gig announcements :(

  4. Originally posted by Paul_CT:

    Strange thing about us is in practice we 'rock out' completely, specially me and wheeler (bassist - 'cleartonebass') and completely get into it, yet we all seem to go all conservative and 'toe tapping' when we have been on stage... Especially recently.

    I think I know the answer:

    ........BEER! :cheers:

    Of course, this solution does affect your playing, especially on a MicroKORG synth (those keys are too small in the first place).

  5. Yeah, I have to agree. I saw Femora once when we played with them @ Drakes. I thought the vocalist was really good. In fact, I htought the whole band were good, so I hope for their sake they're not going to go and get someone to scream all the time, as the melodic vocals were a big part of my enjoyment of them:

    looking for powerful melodic vocals (would be nice if u can scream also)

    Hmm, that looks fair enough.

    Still, I really liked that vocalist...

  6. Originally posted by kirkt:

    bah! before i moved to Aberdeen and I missed it :( did anyone see capdown tour with the mighty Whizzwood 2 years ago?

    Not to rub it in more, but yes. I missed Whizzwood's set, but I'm not keen on htem, so I don't mind. But all in all, I have been to all of Capdown's last 5 appearances in Aberdeen, including the 2-nighter they did. Wish they'd come back. It's been quite a while since I did more than just bop my head while watching a band play.

  7. Originally posted by Jonny Lucifer:

    Ska just sounds so tremendously White to me.

    I hate to sound like a big pretentious 1337er, but if I don't say it, someone else will.

    I assume you're only thinking of second-wave ska, which is what was fashionable in Britain in... the 80's I think. ie: Madness, The Specials, etc. And yes, this does sound white, because it is, very much a white version of the original first-wave of ska, which actually preceded the Jamaican stereotype of Reggae. First-wave ska was very much a Jamaican thing, with bands like the Ethiopians and I-don't-know-who-else-cos-I'm-not-that-knowledgeable.

    Now, someone can come and point out all my inaccuracies :)

  8. ah, I htought I had hte EP you were looking for, but I don't :( I have the "Time For Change" EP, which came not long after they changed their name from SOAP. I also have both albums, but I bought Civil Disobedients in Lava and then managed to get htem all to sign it :)

    I don't have the Link 80 split EP, but I have seen link 80 play at Lava, so that's just about as good.

  9. hm, I refuse to decide either way. How baout we just stick with 'Bitches and Nike Shoes' :p

    Of course, we are forgetting Pound For the Sound, their other great album, with such classics as.....

    *fails to remember tracklisting*

    *fetches copy of the album*

    -Faith No More

    -Pound For the Sound

    -An A-Political Stand of Reasons

    Ain't listened to them in a while, but those three tracks are excellent!

  10. Ooh. Just remembered a piece called 'Skinhead Moonstomp' by Symarip. That piece was amazing. Just an instrumental with a voiceover of the singer telling everyone how they were going to the moon, and when htey got there, they all moonstomped. Then they came back to Earth to go to the pub. And hte lead guitar was making spacey sound-effects the whole time. It was great.

  11. Haha, I knew someone would say "Ska Wars". Come on, be an individual, go for 'Cousin Cleotus'. It's not necessarily BETTER, but it is a bit more fun to skank to.

    I would agree with Ghost Town, as it was so good and different. However, I think for me I'd have to say "Message to Rudy" beats it. Not as interesting, but jsut the most nice, mellow, down-to-earth ska tune ever, and it's by the same band. Ooh, actually, if not that, my second choice would be 'Train to Skaville' by the Ethiopians, for the same reasons.

    Of course, it's really hard to be sure on a definite favourite, cos there is so much quality to choose from, over about three different eras. (Don't get me wrong, htere was a lot of shit as well *cough 'The Selecter' cough*)

  12. Hm. It's been a long time since I went fro some skanking in Kef. I really like RBF and I've seen King Prawn twice @ Kef before. So those comparisons sound promising. I'd quite like to go. It'd be like in hte old days, when I used to go see Capdown all the time, in my white shirt, black tie and shorts. Not great attire for the middle of December.

  13. Arctik rocked!!! Well, actually, they didn't 'rock' at all, but they did something just as good. Extremely impressive for a first gig. They must have been practising for quite a while. Only one or two small criticisms.

    -One of your songs kinda ripped off the Sigur Rs song that was doing the rounds on MTV2 a while ago. However, I can hardly blame you, as that is one of the best chord progressions I've heard in recent times.

    -Biggest problem was that your songs dragged a little bit, because there wasn't quite enough variation from part to part. You often just repeated the same thing for ages, without changing. This works as background music (a lot of the music I listen to at home is very repetitive), but for a live band, you need more to interest hte audience.

    Don't htink I'm being negative htough, that's jsut the best constructive criticism I could come up with. I was really impressed with you guys, and will definitely come see you again, if you announce your gigs on here somewhere, as I really enjoy the music that you guys play.

    .....Oh, one more thing. Next time, please set up the piano so that I can see your pianist playing. I was quite upset that he was behind a wall the whole time.

    Looking forward to your next gig!

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