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Everything posted by scottST

  1. if you dont have any luck, could try building one out of a set of rack ears? i did that with my virus and some super heavy duty velcro. is rock solid now!
  2. here we go you need to complete Rescue From Paradise quest or have the young at heart perk. you may also need to have good dialogue/speech/persuasion skills, and/or to have rescued Penny from the slavers. a good science/hacking ability is a plus too. if you've got good dialogue/speech points, you can talk the "mayor" of little lamplight to tell you how to get there. basically, its called murder pass, and it's a maze full of super mutants. pain in the ass, but good for exp. if you have a high science level, and have rescued penny from paradise falls, you can get them to show you a terminal that you can hack, in order to get a safer route there. hope that helps
  3. that's a steal for this game, i want to play it now. if only i wasnt 65 miles from my xbox
  4. please, please, PLEASE do a doctor who one next.....
  5. just look up fallout 3 on the xbox live marketplace you just load up your account with microsoft points and press download. it takes credit cards i think, is very easy with XBL
  6. yeah its a great HDD, it comes with power supply, as i said, not bus powered.
  7. is a toshiba, USB 2.0, 7200 rpm. not bus powered. 40
  8. 80? and a patch lead or two
  9. fiction/action! thats the band whose name i forgot. they were members of the gloria flaw back in the day, weren't they? niall and kev, if i remember right.... and whatever happened to purple munkie? (sp) they changed their name but i forget what to....
  10. can't say any of them tickle my fancy, i'm afraid anything else? lol
  11. there isnt very much i need, but go on, tempt me:p
  12. buuummmmpppp and yeah, i could see you liking this jan
  13. i didnt actually, haha. but now you've said it, go on, you know you want it:)
  14. vexter series, selling because i dont really use it anymore. as used by matt bellamy of muse, does the awesome squealy stuff you hear on Plug In Baby and all that. and it's a kickass fuzz too. in perfect nick, can be powered by ac adapter or 9v battery. 100 ONO
  15. a usb midi i/o unit of some kind - not a controller, an I/O, like a midiman, that kind of thing. and a noise gate of some description. if you have either of these (or both ) let me know by PM, and i'll attempt to take them off your hands
  16. + several million:popcorn:
  17. thats news to me, consider my point rescinded.
  18. from apple? that'll be shining bright...
  19. yeah, ABS. room 123. used to be round the corner, but is in the ace glass lab now.
  20. the business school mac lab macs work fine for me, the mac osx side especially. it hasnt ever crashed for me in the two/three years they've had a dedicated mac lab in there, and i've done pretty much everything on the programs installed - fcp, photoshop, etc. piece of piss! same with my own macbook, runs like a dream. the windows side on the uni macs is a bit lame, primarily because the novell network running through the whole uni is the worst network in the history of the world - NOT because it's running on an iMac.
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