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Everything posted by scottST

  1. yeah its very good, a nice record to chill out to. Chris is an awesome singer, and Barry's guitar work is great as ever, but my fave Method song aint on the CD! apart from that its fucking good.
  2. well each to their own, i like them...sound bunch of guys aswell.
  3. how the hell does he? george daws is a bald cunt and yes, i do like to say those words...
  4. as if Cave In's cover of Dazed & Confused by Zeppelin wasnt bad enough... covering classic rock tunes should be banned.
  5. theres a reason for that...lol... i think they fucking rule, theyr probably one of the coolest bunch of guys u;ll find. our style of music is close to theirs, both are very retro styles, ours is more leaning towards AC/DC and theirs is like GNR or Maiden kinda stuff... either way, they rock like motherfuckers.
  6. i prefer SGs.... or flying v's!!
  7. we recorded at exile. sounds fine there.... marks an alright guy, he seemed to take to our style pretty quickly.
  8. scottST

    Band Sites

    Noise Pollution's site is a flash site, designed and built by my good self.. if you have a dial=up conection, it might take a while, i havent optimized it properly...
  9. i want some Get Your Hands off My Woman, Gary....i'll be there expecting!!! lol
  10. the worst hangover ever.....its genius.... *when you're in prison, dont pick up the soap, its bad for you*....genius also.
  11. i get kerrang every week too.... i used to get Rock Sound, then i saw Sum41 in it and stopped reading it.
  12. i find my epiphone more playable than most fenders. the bc rich is a bit of a cunt, like. i said that tho. its personal preference really. i dont really expect anyone to use the same stuff as me, lol. it sounds good and does its job well....thats all i want it to do.
  13. got some good tunes.. and also has some total shit aswell
  14. i still buy it every week, got some good news in it... it has its head up so many bands arses though. they wank over every move Radiohead make (im not complaining, i love Radiohead), same with the white stripes, the strokes, the hives, and especially these days The Darkness.(i love them too)
  15. i love my epiphone so much....it sounds ace. its really easy to play, looks great on stage, iv had a lot of comments about it, all good....the epiphone bass range looks alright, but im wary of the Viola bass. as for bc rich, i hardly use it now that i have my epiphone. the bc rich is fucking huge, and bloody heavy. i only use it in emergencies, i dont even take it to gigs anymore. i'd advise you to try out an epiphone bass at least, theres one like mine in Bruce Millars, for the same price i got mine for.
  16. or Kazaa Lite....just kazaa, minus the spyware - excellent.
  17. its due to be on Kazaa or somethin like that. iv given up downloading mp3s, my internet connection is shit
  18. fuck, i better save up....fast!!
  19. ac/dc touring again? im there
  20. im partial to Dark Side of The Moon. most albums that are made as one continuous song would be pretty boring, but this one isnt. or in my opinion anyway
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