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Everything posted by ben_1903

  1. King Prawn haven't been around for a few years now. Not that i actually know anything about then bar that. Lightyear are british??!! *feels inferior to other ska punkers*
  2. JFK - funky comedy band who play orignal songs covering many styles - great fun tears of grace - rocky metaly circadian - metally...takes influences from loads of geners and ptus them all together to sound cool debassed - can't remember. but i think they rock.
  3. So gutted, had opportunity to buy the rise on up ep and didn't...i am a fool. now thats sba, and whitmore that have split. booooooo. ps - howards alias are on the verge of splitting so i hear.
  4. ....damn. A ska sunday sounds great fun, I'd go to that. Hmmm.....paul??
  5. ....I hear they are playing kef on october 9th???
  6. *prays for solabeat alliance to reform and appear in a puff of smoke for this gig*
  7. Right...lets all hold hands and sing campfire songs (to the tune of evanescance) This discussion is finished....until after our next gig
  8. Yeah, I'd agree with that - these days whats cool is avril lavignes backing band (simple plan, good charlotte etc) and emo (i still like emo). Whitmore aren't quite ska-punk....their more a mix of stuff that sounds whitmore-ish
  9. Its not as bad as that, Its just banter; chill
  10. I don't think ltj have gotten shit. Infact i think anthem is a brilliant album.
  11. *thinks about booking them* *decides not to* whitmore are brilliant though.
  12. I appreciate your support....but get a grip. These isa forum for people who want to express their opinions - if the guy thinks we're shit, then so be it. I just don't agree with him - no need to drop the level. Maybe delete that post before it DOES become a stupid argument?
  13. ...Not that i can go this weekend - but i've never been to one of these aberdeen music footy/rounders games. Does it matter if you know fuck all people?
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