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Posts posted by ben_1903

  1. I've seen Shutter a few times and i thought they were pretty good song-wise and very slick sounding. They played with us at Go-North and i they seemed like nice guys as well.

    I'm unsold on GTS they have some marvelous moments but some that make me cringe to the inner depths of my soul. I have yet to see iname though what i have heard was a good starting point. I am completely uninspired by Nomogram.

    I think the videos of shutter on their myspace also show them to be really slick - have a look.

  2. I want to see nomogram, however i've heard that shutter are one of the most boring, generic post-rock outfits ever? any truth to that?

    good stuff regardless, Ben.

    well from the stuff i have heard, i think they are really good. And they must be doing something right to get supports with deftones and arreogramme.

    Come see them - you may be pleasantly suprised. Nomogram also - very good stuff.

    I think its a fairly well mixed bill - nomogram more electricy side of things, iname heavyer side of things and gts and shutter i think will go wel together. :up:

  3. Shutter

    Inverness based instrumental post rock for fans of God Is An Astronaut and This Will Destroy You. Supported Deftones and Aereogramme. Not to be missed!

    " they regularly set the stage alight...little wonder Deftones snared them for a support slot... The drums arrive fierce and accurate, adeptly penetrating the clear, layered, dual guitar assault as and when the crescendos rise and warble out. Theres effortless synchronicity at play here, and the tools to beat away the boredom that too often dogs the genre are firmly in Shutters possession." Gonorth review - The Skinny

    Shutter on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

    Greater the Shadow

    Aberdeens' instrumental 6 piece will have you gaping in wonder at their blend gorgeous ambient melodies, edgier riffage and electronicaly generated noise.

    Greater The Shadow on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads


    Combining flowing melodies with massive riffage 4-piece iname are for fans of Pelican, Funeral Diner, and Oceansize.

    iname on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads


    Live-electronics from Dundee. A finely crafted mix of guitar loops, triggers and a multitde of instruments makes for superb listening! Featuring Spit of Esperi and Eye fame.

    nomogram on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

    Thursday February 19th @ The Tunnels

    5 at the door

    7:30 start

    poster to follow shortly

  4. I thought Mcallister was balls because he tried to be the hard man. He's a better boxer, but he got dragged into Murrays' fight. He kept on being cockey and asking him 'come have a go' etc when he would have been better to keep him away and box.

    Murray just got on with it. Although i agree he should have been reprimanded by the ref a couple of time.

    Also very cringe worthy in the interview at the end.

    Anyhoo..looking forward to watching murray beat kahn. Can't stand Kahn.

  5. Fair enough you don't like puzzle - agree its not as good as the earlyer material...its not as exciting/complex/prog.

    however there are still some moments of genious and the songs are much better live. love has a diameter, 9/15ths and get fucked stuf in particular.

    anyway back to the topic in hand - i was very disappointed by everything the killers did since hot fuzz. They are pure gash.

  6. Brand New make me vomit with nothing but sheer jealousy and rage that I can't do what they do.

    Were they playing? please say they weren't.

    yeah. It was mainly stuff from their first album. Which although is pure angst filled emo is nevertheless excellent.

    Their two most recent albums are immense. Saw them in glasgow last year and it was just jaw droppingly brilliant.

    In reply to karmatsunami. I'm not going to rip you for not liking puzzle. Although i do like puzzle and think it has some great moments its better for you to love the rest and dislike puzzle than vice-versa. That you are entitled to your opinion.

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