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Posts posted by ben_1903

  1. i am shamelessly bumping this again.

    if anyone wants to hear some stuff before the gig then shutter have recently added a third track to their page:

    Shutter on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

    nomogram has added some new recordings:

    nomogram on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

    and iname has two videos on the myspace page


    nothing new on the gts site, but always worth a look

    Greater The Shadow on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

  2. Moshulu is a fucking dump. I sat at one of the tables in the back bit for a while and the table/chairs were disgusting. The table looked and felt like it hadn't been washed in a week. My girlfriend put her bag on it and we had to peel it back off. Horrible.

    As for the bands though, I only saw the end of cast of the capital as I arrived late. Sounded ok, bit overly bassy I thought. Y Change costume, I thought were ok didn't really impress me until the final song which was great though. TTNG were ace.

    Generally though I was fairly annoyed as Moshulu was minging.

    yeah it was fairly minging, the effort required to move ones feet from one patch of floor to another is pretty ridiculous...no self respecting nightclub/music venue should be in such a state, especially after a recent refurb (all be it a lame excuse for a refurb)

  3. No that's quite alright. I agree that it can be backgroundy (hopefully not in a 'muzak' way) and I guess to an extent I subconsciously don't want it to progress or 'do anything'. Kind of like watching Neighbours, where you can drift in an out over a course of many years, and Lou Carpenter is still coming up with get rich quick schemes and Bouncer is still dead.....

    since neighbours moved to channel 5 I have abandoned by studenty ways and not watched neighbours. But i do like to think good old harold and lou and still bumbling along and lou is findy new ways to rip off the residents of the house of trouser...

    anyhoo back to the gig...

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