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Posts posted by Jeid

  1. they were the first band i ever saw live (Leeds 2000) and i thought they were pretty ace live. i too have just dusted off this album and realised its awesomeness. i think the album came out at the back end of 2000. could be wrong though. its fuckin ace

    i preferred the original versions of cemented shoes and always your way. the album versions were over produced for me

  2. awesome.... i'm trying this out to see what i get!

    Converge - Fault And Fracture

    Poison The Well - Moments Over Exaggerate

    From First To Last - Featuring Some Of Your Favourite Words

    Taking Back Sunday - There's No "I" In Team

    Metallica - Master Of Puppets


  3. so on monday night i was working with my good friend duck. i hadn't seen him since last year(boom boom). i was in bed the previous two days still suffering from drinking at new year. i had the idea that since we never got a drink at new year(or in fact, much over the xmas period) that he should come round for a few beers after work. i still had plenty from the xmas kitty anyway, so its all good.

    we had a couple of beers while we were working(we work in a pub), kicked everyone out and headed home.

    17 bottles of san miguel, 4 bottles of stella, 1 litre of bud and half a bottle of vodka later we were pretty god damn drunk. it was also 9:30am...... i had work at 11am. Duck sent me to the shower and then we headed to work to try and blag ourselves a free breakfast.

    it worked.... sausage, bacon, egg, tomatoes(which i hate).... it was free :)

    scoffed that... then headed to another pub for a reviver.

    had to work for 6 hours(which was pretty god damn funny) serving people their lunch and stinking of drink. finished work at 5 and someone bought me a drink. then i kept getting bought drinks and i was drunk again :( ended up home and in bed by 8pm.

    feel fine now though. could do with another breakfast. so for me... new year is finally over.

    anyone else still partying?????

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