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Posts posted by Jeid

  1. right, i'm extremely bored. so, i call on you fine people to recommend me some movies to get.

    I currently have all of these movies on my pc

    40 Days And 40 Nights

    American History X

    Anger Management

    Back To The Future 1

    Back To The Future 2

    Back To The Future 3

    Bad Boys

    Bad Boys 2


    Beavis and Butthead Do America

    Black Label Society - Boozed Broozed And Broken Boned

    Chris Rock - Bigger & Blacker

    Chris Rock - Never Scared




    Donnie Darko

    Empire Records

    Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind


    Evil Dead

    Evil Dead 2

    Fight Club

    From Dusk Til Dawn

    Half Baked

    Happy Gilmore

    Harold And Kumar Get The Munchies

    Hitler - The Rise Of Evil

    I Robot

    Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back

    Lost In Translation



    Matrix Reloaded

    Matrix Revolutions

    Meet The Fockers

    Mr Deeds

    Napoleon Dynamite

    Old School

    Reservoir Dogs


    School Of Rock

    Shaun Of The Dead

    Sin City

    Some Kind Of Monster

    South Park - The Movie and all Episodes

    Star Wars Episode 3 - Revenge Of The Sith

    Team America World Police


    Terminator 2

    Terminator 3

    The Butterfly Effect

    The Day After Tomorrow

    The Exorcist

    The Football Factory

    The Girl Next Door

    The Nightmare Before Christmas

    The Ring



    Wayne's World

    Wayne's World 2

    White Noise


    any types of movie... i don't care what its like, as long as it comes recommended. i'm sure there are some ace movies i'm missing out on. i like watching them.... i just dunno whats good and what's not

    please help

  2. i really don't see what he's complaining about. he gets about 80k a week as it is. He plays for his hometown club, he's the captain of the team he's supported since he was a boy(most kids biggest dream), he's won every single club honour except the Premiership at Liverpool. what more does he want? a fuckin pay rise? jesus, show how much he loves the club and take a pay cut and extend his contract... its the least the fucker could do after all this piss arsing around.

    on another note, i'm delighted he's staying, but see if he decides in January that he's leaving.... then he's officially a cunt!

    anyway, to his on-field antics(and in response to him being over-rated) i agree, but only to an extent. we have to look at things in perspective here. Gerrard is only 25 years old, he's got another 8-10 years of football left in him... and whats exciting is, that he's yet to hit a peak. in the next 2-3 years he's gonna be at his best. His all round game still needs some work(name a player who's perfect?) but his work rate can't be doubted if you ask me.... this, however, can also be his biggest let down. He loves the team.... but he tries to do everything. defend... run at players.... score all the goals. makes for good football.... but makes me a bit frustrated(i'm a Liverpool fan if you haven't already guessed). Give Rafa another season or two with him though and we'll have the best all round midfielder in the world.

    as for transfers, Rafa looks to have picked up where Houllier left off and signed some right guff. Reina looks to be an interesting aquisition, but Mark Gonzalez is currently injured, he'll be back in september, but we're looking at xmas before he's ready to play full games. Barragan is a youngster so i doubt we'll see him this season(or not much anyway). Zenden has kinda got a mixed feeling from me, ok, he's got experience at the highest level and he's gonna be about 10 times better than the shitebag that is Harry Kewell, but Zenden? pft.... guff!

    anyway.... this has gone off topic a bit. but yeah... Gerrard... woo

  3. i wasnt in the hut. i was on the opposite team from penny. i think. well i remember being outside and seeing you all shoot in the window and hearing screams. eek

    i didnt do anything in the first game. we were too scared so rolled around the floor sticking twigs in our hair. the dude from the place couldnt stop laughing at us. ooo and the prisoner one was ace!!!!!!!!!

    ah yeah, i remember now(i was actually doubtful when i typed it though) you and rhiannon(i think) didn't do anything the first game. didn't she just give up eventually?

    Bradley??? ahaha.... that was ace!! i swear i shot him in the genitals :)

  4. still have the scars on my hand from that year tho :(

    i do believe it was i that inflicted such scars, you, catherine and heather were in a hut and i just kept firing until you came out. your hand was all bloody n st00f

    hrm, depending on dates, i'd love to come down. but i'd need accomodation for that

  5. Its funny' date=' the other guitarist in the band (Chris Shifflet) is the brother of bass player Scott Shifflett of Face To Face, and the new Foos sound reminds me very much of Face To Face's album "Ignorance is Bliss" from '99 (the album was blasted by fans so they did a U-Turn in direction after that) hunt it down and see what you think....[/quote']

    chris also plays in me first and the gimme gimme's, you probably know that. but i found it a little odd when i realised it was him

    the loud cd is awesome, the not so loud cd is pretty rad too

    i like it.... still, There Is Nothing Left To Lose is my fave

  6. it's sad that drinking is considered as big a deal as it is up here. i don't get why it is seen as funny' date=' interesting or exciting to get drunk. hey, don't get me wrong, i love getting cunted. it just think people's attitude in general to booze sucks.[/quote']

    i agree with this man. people generally go out with the idea "i'm gonna get really drunk tonight".... what the fuck's the point in that? i go out to have a laugh with my friends and if i get drunk(which i generally do) then bonus. but the main part of going out is to have fun, not to get completely fucked out of your face so you can hardly remove yourself from your bed the next day

  7. hrm, i think the worst hangover i had was after a night of quick drinking. i went into work(i work in a bar) and one of the girls i work with had been drinking all night. she begged me to get drunk, i was in a shit mood but i reluctantly agreed. i told her to get a pint glass, put vodka in it(to this day i have no idea how many were in it, but i could taste it through the coke) and fill it up with coke. it was strong, but i downed the first two and continued working. i can't remember leaving my work(3 hours later) i pinned one of my workmates down and gave her a hicky on her stomach, i simulated sex with the person who got me drunk, i went to the club(we only have one) and spoke to my sister, picked up some woman and went home. no idea how i got home. i spewed(prawns look funny when the go down the sink) several times over. when i got up in the morning i couldn't even stand upright. the hangover lasted twelve hours or more. i missed work at 5pm the next night i was that bad. if it weren't for some of my workmates filling me in, i wouldn't know any of that. its funny at the time, but after, fuckin bejesus, its the worst.

    its weird though, sometimes i can go out and get totally drunk and wake up the next morning and be fine. like last weekend i got really drunk, got up at 10:30 on the sunday and went back to the pub then went to work at 12. drinking is very big culture up here. there ain't much else to do

  8. i think they should just let it rest. reforming the smashing pumpkins would be like splitting up with your girlfriend of 10years, shaggin a couple of other birds and then deciding that you really want your girlfriend back. in the end, you both know its doomed to failure.

    Leave it billy, let the Pumpkins be known as a band who were awesome, not a band who came back cos the singer wanted to slut about for a bit :)

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