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Everything posted by Birdman

  1. She's her own person people. I think she has a right to refuse being a puppet in front of her fans if she wants. Respect it. (not birdman)
  2. holy shit you guys are the most pathetic people I have never met! (not birdman)
  3. exactly No but really its pretty decent but sometimes it pulls your eye away from the "amazing" photos that are in there...well, both of them (Not birdman)
  4. Make your own Cheese helmet (not birdman)
  5. I have tried a few times but I keep getting the rejected. I've tried Jockeysnogger & more recently TheVaselineWarrior but I've run out of personal e-mail addresses. I'd appreciate if there was a reason but unfortunately the automated message just says Sorry - such and such unknown problem encountered. Not much to work on really. So anyway, I always use (Not birdman ) afterwards to avoid confusion. p.s Any administrators who could give me JockeySnogger, I would be grateful (not Birdman)
  6. The Back of the Y Hollywood Special got me Spanners getting his backpack nicked by the scouts, Randy's ensuing broken leg and jail sentence then getting sent to Guantanamo Bay Cuba. (Not Birdman) - Because I'm not. I couldn't possibly reveal my real name. I slept with the administrators girlfriend and he blamed me for the rashes she got.
  7. CUNT REPORT This thread was mildly amusing three months back when it began. Whats the big deal with this painfully ordinary schoolboy? Either create something a little more imaginitive or, just, for once, leave the house.... (not birdman)
  8. Pete Yorn - Vocals Billy Corgan(smashing p) - Lead Guitar Josh freese (a perfectcircle) - drums Phil Boyd (modey lemon) - rythm guitar Nate Mandell (foos,the fire theft) - bass
  9. correction, i meant there is 4 songs on it (if anyone else misunderstood) and you did tell me a while ago that we were, so shoot the messenger! dude you are being a bit harsh there, bit out oif line if i say so myself
  10. well lets see if you can change your mind at our next gig, we definately have improved since then and we have better songs to back us up now. A better bass player as well. What was so bad about our first gig? good to hear why you didnt like us, maybe another fact is that it was our first time playing live.
  11. Last year I said it was 80's metal but having been bombarded with all this Emo type music from bands like FFAF, Yellowcare, etc - I say without a shadow of date that this type of music is by far the MOST replusive ever created. Its boy band music with a slightly dirtier guitar (Not Birdman) - Because I am not Adam Florence(Birdman)
  12. yes Yeah! Come on its not like anyone here is going to be in church and you all know your going to be doing something significantly less constructive than spending just 10 minutes on the site between 6:55 and 7:05! (not Birdman)
  13. cheers man! see you there ill be over to hangout sometime soon
  14. If everyone that reads this message comes online at 7pm next sunday - would it be worth it? I think if everyone who reads this message comes on about 7pm which seems to be the busiest time ish then we will make a much better most users online number (NB)
  15. Truth: That dare is quite possibly the worst in history and the embarresment alone is too much for anyone to handle: Dare: give me another but not shit! (nit birdoy)
  16. "and they say television encourages violence.....well i'm smashing his face in and we haven't got one!" (not birdman)
  17. Your the first person to reply to most of my threads I start on here....Are you a part of aberdeen-music or do you not really go out on weekends all too often? truth or dare? (nit Birdie)
  18. Cats are just mini Lions. Truth or dare? (not birdman)
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