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Posts posted by palmer_eldritch

  1. yeah i can often enjoy a lot of the jams i have shared there, no matter how long and samey they may sound... But the first time i went there was an awesome drummer who I felt blended nicely with what i was trying to play. Recently, there have been no drummers... well... theres been a big lack in a skilled drummer behind the kit, which is quite frustrating! More drummers!!!!!!

  2. Well i'm listening to Staccato set EP right now, and i'm amazed at why i havent heard them before. Saw them last night for the first time last night and imho, thats the best band i've seen in Aberdeen. I loved the vocals (I heard a bluesy Alex HArvey), and the stage presence were ace. The band was perfect. Sooooooooooooooo cant wait for their next gig.

  3. My fav music used to be blues. It started with kind of rockier stuff like Dire STraits, then i started getting into blues and country. Then after i saw Blade Runner i really started to dig Pink Floyd which opened me up to Space Rock, Progressive rock and psychadelia. Now i'm listening to Steve Hillage, King Crimson, Tool, Camel, Opeth, early Fleetwood Mac and the Ozric Tentacles.

  4. I hadn't heard Opeth before Donington where they totally blew me away. I've been downloading music and i seem to love it all.

    The songs i liked most during the Opeth set was the quite spacey ones with the Sitar effects, and there was one with a really great, long, instrumental outro which blew me away totally.

    Giving i like those type of songs the most by them, what album would anyone recommend for me? I don't know what period of Opeth im into the most.

    btw, listening to black rose immortal right now and its totally awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I'm struggling to understand this thread. Is this all sarcasm?

    Aren't HIM just a pop band with distorted guitars? Their lyrics are cheesy as hell, and their music is really quite limited as well. I don't seem to understand the term Love Metal cuz there is nothing metal about HIM at all, is there?

    Correct me if im wrong, btw.

    how many did actually go see HIM over Metallica at Donington anyway?

  6. Opeth, Slayer, Electric 6, Gonga, Machine Head and Metallica were probably my favs.

    Opeth really blew me, and electric 6 although perhaps out of place were also excellent.

    Gonga rocked, and need say nothing about Metallica

  7. I just think her "catchy" songs are annoying. I can't help getting the impression that she thinks she's this generation's answer to Bob Dylan or something. Ach, i really can't stand her cheesy lyrics.

    Although im just another guy who has to judge from what i see on tv. Maybe shes not as pretentious as she comes off to be (to me), but until its proven otherwise, the evidence is against her in my view.

    PS I think the music industry is exempted from the "innocent until proven guilty" theory :p

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