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Everything posted by jimr

  1. I'm going for a curry at the blue moon on my own. woowoo.
  2. if you give me a dvd i'll bung on a tonne or two.
  3. All men have big beards, Keiran doesn't have a big beard Therefor, Keiran is not a man. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGh
  4. but have you done it yet? Happy birthdays and all that jazz too. Chris, I am compiling a dossier of David Carradine films for you it should be complete when I get the sword and the sorceress back from my ex, I know you're dancing inside.
  5. You should have taken a picture of me doing the david carradine pose.
  6. Sure, i'll carry it about incase I bump into you. I am not carrying about your tent though, you know where I am! Actually you probably don't but you could find out.
  7. i now wish i had duplicated myself 3 times and gone as tracy and the plastics.
  8. The dvd side of this release is the mindfuck. The cd side is utterly amazing aswell. It is now clear that multiple personalities is the way forward in musical innovation.
  9. My ticket arrived today woowoo, SPATHIC!
  10. Mentock is a genius. You will be probably be able to encode yr dvd player, just google the name and serial of your dvd player and woowoo. I like my aqua teen too, these arrived in the post the other day.
  11. then get the hell out of my country! *raises flag
  12. I was frankenstien from deathrace 2000 but everyone thought i was the gimp from pulp fiction. Drinking guiness though a straw fed up though a hole in my mask was fun. Being that drunk in that much leather was a very bad idea.
  13. least when mcleish gets the sack i can go back to hating rangers more completely
  14. Aberdeen only lost because I had them on my coupon. If mackie had scored the penalty we would have got a point I reckon. In fact i'm never betting again. I have a "safe" fiver on man u to win at middlesbourgh and they're 2-0 down.
  15. Don't sigur ros speak in their own silly language about flowers and butterflies and the like?
  16. Come on dave, "do what must be done" 1-6 and no leaving the room.
  17. 24th November Glasgow ABC. This band will make you dance. http://www.gossipyouth.com/ http://myspace.com/gossipband
  18. It's about time we started creating mutant birds with no legs no arms no eyes no mouth etc we could just inject with some growth hormone every couple of days. If we genetically take away their ability to feel pain then the animal rights protestors couldn't object to all the experiments we would have to do in order to keep the future kebab alive and well and ten times its normal size. Did I mention that this new super chicken would be able to survive on a steady diet of rocks?
  19. I'm going to throw my only 2 cents in here too. Don't gamble. After losing the first set to Murray, Henman was briefly 6-1 to win on will hill live betting. I stuck a tenner on only to see the fucker lose in a tie break in the 3rd.
  20. Anyone watching? It's lovely, Pulp babies is on just the now, it is much preferable to burning my mind with logic coursework.
  21. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen yeah, i say both. I'm off to bet on the horses and finance this. William Hill online betting is ridiculously fun.
  22. What I find most disturbing about that article is that there is an organisation called the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People's Legal Defence Fund. Poor little buggers.
  23. What odds do you reckon I would get on a not guilty verdict? Or maybe on Saddam being President this time next year?
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