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Everything posted by Graeme

  1. Hoy...I'd still like to be considered middle ground for a bit, thanks.
  2. Trying to keep everybody happy...I'm still picking the splinters out of my arse! g
  3. That's always good..despite the er..set backs!
  4. One correction. Ellie will replace Yvonne Lyon on Thursday who can't play due to work committments. Oh...and the spelling of Mcloed(!) Hen min!!
  5. oh good - NOXAGT go mainstream & get previewed in the Evening Express tonight
  6. Message from Thomas "We are all somewhat dizzy as Myself, the Hornicator, Sister Spinster,the Backbeater and our newest travelling partner/musical invention the Stringaling pull into Edinburgh. The tour's been progressing wonderfully!" Can't wait to see what a Stringaling is!
  7. I think we are responsible(ish). Pain about the buses, that always causes problems.
  8. Rodney Crowell would have signed anything and everything for everybody. Americans seem to make much more effort to connect and be gracious.
  9. We certainly won't be burying them in the sand if you know what I mean!!
  10. What's that? I'm glad my daughters maths tutor will be in attendance to help out!!
  11. Never did that. I think that must have been my none gig going/getting married/buying flats/getting old period.
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