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Everything posted by Dayeth

  1. Hahahahahahaha. Anyway yeah, go for the ESP LTD R2D2 with the 6 foot ivory neck, see-thru bridge, tremolo strings, whammy snickers bar, double EMG super-pro-humbummers, 3d digalogue subspace selector switch and a Warhammer finish. It'll tune to Drop Z and stay there.
  2. fucking hell, sorry about all that. mans got a point though.
  3. my cousin has bi-polar too hog. sham eshe has a full head of hair
  4. bad. shut up i hate dev/love dev opeth are better
  5. wait i like Dad Devil ill listen to this tomorow
  6. Dayeth


  7. Jimmy Saville: In at number 24, with Serenity Painted Death!...
  8. You appear to have Opeth in twice, good sir.
  9. Neither are any bands. They must have been the first band they ever heard.
  10. what, are they drowning everytime they flush a toilet?
  11. It was for mainstream metal, which is why it would have been a lot easier and more fun to be of gig going age back then. Not between -5 and 9.
  12. I'd like to see Rune prove that they are not influenced by Tool.
  13. Well I think the point of this thread is that that is exactly not what is happening. Mainstream metal is definately at a low point on the graph, so I'm trying to point out that there is some fantastic new metal bands out there, but you have to look for them. If anyone knows anything about finding bands from around the world that you like, it's you, half of your noise collection is from countries that don't exist. I'd say I have come to the end of a certain line with metal, Metallica are still one of my favourite bands in the world, but I get sick and tired listening to them, so I have had to branch out a bit, but nothing gives me the same buzz as metal does, so I don't see myself ditching it. However, I ain't hanging about between the good "big" metal albums, like Opeth, like In Flames (or *sigh* Devin Townsend) and other stuff I like that 10 billion other people like too.
  14. I agree, made me think/blether. True, but it's hell of a lot better than waiting for something to hit mainstream metal. (Or wait for the next Pantera )
  15. Porcupine Tree. Very proggy, they used to be pretty psychedelic, but they are getting heavier and heavier. "Blackest Eyes" or "Deadwing" are good entrance songs.
  16. That's a fairly dramatic statement really. All the metal that is produced by bands that you know about is shite at the moment. I feel the same way, and when I get sick of it all I usually go onto THE METAL OBSERVER - Everything in Metal!, flick through a few reviews and try out some of the bands that sound good on there. Has led me to some amazing bands that fill me right back up with confidence that people are still making great metal, bands like Arsis, and to name a few others Persefone, Orphaned Land, The Vision Bleak, Blackout, Dead Soul Tribe, the list goes on. I'm not trying to be some underground....guy, but the world is a big place.
  17. Yeah, I've played it through twice now. It's great, but it's not what I'd call exciting anymore. Dimmu are a band that I have a lot of time for becuase they never seen to do anything wrong and just make awesome music to listen to, consistantly, but I can't see them upping the ante ever. I'm just about to check out the new Porcupine Tree album. Dunno if you Element lads are in to them at all...?
  18. I shall give the album a listen then. Just you listen to Arsis, and take your band in-joke OUTTA MA THREAD.
  19. I've heard what they had on MySpace. I didn't particulary like Synchestra, or the last Strapping album either though, so I'm not inclined to give it a full listen to be honest, even though I probably will. Plus, I think you'll find Hogster that people on the Hevydevy records forum WOULD say it rules. Don't get me wrong I do love Dev (not "in" love, unlike some people), but I think he's going too fast for his own good just now.
  20. Ok since everything that has been brought to my attention in the world of metal lately has done nothing for me, including Machineheads new album, and Dev's new stuff, and even Dan's last suggestion. Megadeth's new album will obviously be a catastrophe and the idea of a new Dream Theater album doesn't fill me with confidence either, so this is what I think is good about metal in the mid 2000's. www.myspace.com/arsis I know, sounds like arses, but listen to "Diamond for Disease" particulary, even though it's just an part of the song. LISTEN. Eat your heart out everyone who's not Opeth.
  21. Hahahahaha ^ Bollocks to you all. The only bad part is that the solo's aren't exactly like the original, the rest of it is pure "air drum and point at the camera" classic metal.
  22. Haha, I thought that would be total shite, I quite enjoyed it though.
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