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RF Scott

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Posts posted by RF Scott

  1. Holler.

    So, I'm lousy with a soldering iron, and no idea what I'm doing, but I've got a pickup I need fitting, and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations of local tech's before I take it to one of the two shops? Bruce Millers is a bit pricey, and RnB's turn around is quite long since they seem to be so busy.

    Anyone worth looking into? Or anyone on here able to do it for cashmoney?


    I could probably do it for you mate

  2. Seconded. If we're talking purely about bands output in the 00's then CO would definitely top my list. I suppose the reason they haven't made this list is that they are simply not well known enough in their home country, which is particularly strange as they've had some pretty incredible success abroad.

    They're a lot more well known than The Twilight Sad...

  3. I never mentioned Glasvegas, I don't believe they should have been in it either, I bought their album out of interest having never heard them, lotta pish, Mary Chain did it all far better 20 years ago....

    I can't say I've ever seen LWB mentioned by any band, but then I'm not in the know with the grassroots alternative scene as you undoubtedly are. :)

    I'm talking about bands like Maximo Park!

    Basically, all lists are subjective, obviously, and there's going to be a lot of debate about a list which simply has the title, 'best'.

  4. Life Without Buildings - should one little-heard album qualify you for the list? - I'm not so sure.I'm still in the 'unconvinced' camp with the album, the vocals sound like a female version of Flowered Up....not that that's altogether bad mind you.

    Well, as you say, there are no real ground rules, so the fact that they only released one album (so have Glasvegas...) and that it wasn't commercially successful, shouldn't really matter? I'd say the influence that the band have had on other Scottish/UK/Worldwide bands that have gone on to become pretty big makes them more than worthy of inclusion!

  5. Scotsman.com today published a list of the ten best Scottish bands of the Noughties. It's caused a bit of a stir on Twitter already, so be good to hear what people think.

    Reader nominations will be added to a public vote for the overall people's favourite.

    The best Scottish bands of the Noughties - Scotsman.com

    That's a pointless, safe list that might as well be called 'The best Scottish bands of the Nineties', since the vast majority of those in the list released their best work then... I know they're still making music, but by that definition you could call The Who the best British band of the Noughties!!!

    I'd have put Life Without Buildings in there for a start, incredibly influential (and my favourite band!). And, though I don't like them personally, Biffy Clyro would have been a good shout, based on how influential to a lot of people there are/their commercial success.

  6. Haiti, where mud isn't just used for building



    It's their governments fault, too much corruption for too long

    When people are as poor as Haitians you know they will get greedy and use banditry to rob the supply chains of aid denying others of anything useful and making the mud cake bakers rich

    Yeah mate, all the Haitians are using banditry to rob the supply chains of aid. Also, I'd look to most of the Western powers for major factors in Haiti's poverty...

  7. Have you read anything else by him? I got Gravity's Rainbow about 7/8 months ago and that is pretty much how I felt as well, so after I finished that I got V., The Crying of Lot 49 and I'm now 200-odd pages through Against the Day. Far and away the best author I've ever read, he is truly astounding!

    Against The Day is crap, but apart from that he's completely amazing. I wrote my dissertation on him last year.

  8. This is a weird place to air this gripe! Especially with the vague 'you know who I'm talking about' !! Maybe just email the person(s) in question?!!

    Anyway, I think it's fair to say that a lot of people go to clubs/pubs/gigs/cinema when they're underage. Unless you ID absolutely everyone, then there's always going to be people slipping through. As you yourself said, you 'knew' because you run an underage rock night. Not everyone runs an underage rock night as far as I know, so it wouldn't have been as obvious!

  9. Also, to go off on a bit of a tangent, how come everyone on this thread knows I'm ginger and seems to know what I look like yet I haven't been stalked once? Well, maybe once. But not as often as I'd hope for someone as ridiculous looking as myself.

    Didn't you post a photo of you and your dog recently?

  10. I don't really understand what you are saying, if someone chooses to go by a stupid nick name then we are not allowed to rip the piss?

    It was a flippant comment, didn't realize it would upset you- If it did you need to get things in perspective.

    Where did it say that I was upset, mate? Your post just reeked of pretension, and internet or 'IRL', there's a lot to be said for not being cold and pricky when talking about someone who has just died.

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