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Posts posted by lepeep

  1. OK boys, this seems to be listomania at the moment...

    fits yer favourite industrial bands ?


    pitchshifter (pre-crap sound)


    skinny puppy

    Einstrzende Neubauten



    controlled bleeding

    and, have a discussion to boot about "what is industrial"(some say ministry ISN'T industriall...)blah blah

  2. I was going to say that that list to me was when those bands had become "too grown up"!

    carcass peaked with descanting the insalubrious (spelling ?!)

    ND peaked on Harmony Corruption

    Boltthrower still grinding out their same sound, but to me, warmaster is AMAZING...

    but I suppose it all just depends on when you actaully got into the music, and when you "got out" of it (not that you ever go off your historical musical taste)...

    for me, deathmetal from 1989 - 1994, the best times

  3. wasn't it obelisc and inextremis that were doing all the death metal supports in the early 90's ?

    (cancer, bolt thrower, paradise lost etc)...

    all those gigs were on in "churchills" (upstairs), I think it was called "ceasars" back then.

    Wasn't Daz (from the dawntreaders) , the drummer in Obelisc ?

  4. you guys should all seriously check out the stonerrock.com site, its fucking amazing.

    also, if you want to cripple your wallet...visit :


    and do a search on your favourite band, you'll have a list as long as your arm fo "i should check these bands out too" after about 1 hour of checking out cross links (scary).

    Dave, St Vitus, Classic doom stuff, read the biog on AMG :


  5. come on then, list yer fave stoner rockers (a count will be on for Kyuss)...

    I've just been searching on AMG for sleep (classic "on holy mountain", but found a link to a band that was formed after sleep disbanded, "high on fire", and that sounds like a killer band)...(check out the sound samples on amazon)


    anayway, my faves : (in no order)




    sons of otis

    black sabbath

    I bought a Fu Manchu LP the other day, but, Like dave in one up said, a bit more "popier" than kyuss...not too fussed by them.

    fit aboot : st Vitus, and all those guys...

    RECCOMEND !(you can also download FULL SONGS from : http://www.stonerrock.com/)

    cracking (or should that be Craken ?)he he

  6. GGFH were ball shrinkingly shite !...say no more.

    my faves (and what is "death metal" anyway...)

    carcass : symphonies of sickness

    pungent stench : been caught buttering

    autopsy : mental funeral (a popular choice here!)

    morbid angel : blessed are the sick

    entombed : crawl (ep)

    repulsion : horrified

    cannibal corpse : tomb of the mutilated

    brutal truth : need to control


  7. the saussage LP is great, I love the opening track , "prelude to fear"...I often wonder what's going on in les's head...(dare I ask !)...

    if no one's heard sausaage, here is something to read, to get you inspired.


    I also picked up the PORCH lp (six seven inch vynils in a box, nutty!), its fucking cracking too..

    from the mad as fuck timed sig : little white cracker, to the slow blues jam of "damn I'm lazy", something for everyone in todd Huth's band...


  8. so do most of the posts on this forum !

    it's the classic "I'm more underground than you" battle...it's been raging for a millenia...

    you can hear about it on frankfurter traction's seminal LP, "dis ist oondergund", mind you, you probably haven't heard it, as it was only released on 13 Vynils, pressed by hand in the Andes on melted satanic candles. (what a satanic candle is, I've no idea)...

  9. suck on this and sailing on the seas...

    but then, there are all the classics from pork soda (my name is mud, mr crinkle), tales from the punch bowl (winona the big brown beaver, southbound pachiderm), the brown album (over the falls, shake hands with beef)...

    too many to mention !

    I'd agree that the last DVD is worth every penny...all their videos, plus "cheesey home video" and other misc. stuff...amazing value. (if you like primus that is !)...

  10. I was moaning about this last week...

    I honestly remember thinking a tenner was expensive for a "big gig", you are looking at 15 - 20 quid now...

    Times like the early 90's when I saw tool for 7.50 and the Jesus Lizard for 6...fuck me, long gone are those days !

    I think 5 quid is too expensive for a local band, 2 quid TOPS.

    the cheaper it is, the more people come, everyone's happy.

  11. I love Usa usa usa...

    its the track where its comprises of the guy from the oxes trying to tell the record boss "how the track will appear on the album"..."there is no album"..."oh, sure, OK, well, the last track on the album will have like a conversation about the last track on the lp, and I'll say "USA USA USA"..."there is no lp"..."ok, sorry..." "USA USA USA"....

    he he...fucking nuts.love it.

  12. hey, josef K, spot the wanky guitarist !

    Did they make a style of music called "drum and guitar", I don't think soo...

    "We" (drummers & bassplayers) lay the foundations, people dance to the rhythum, and you tossers wank all over it...he he(JOKES).

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