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Posts posted by framheim

  1. Assassin's Creed as well, just watched a trailer for that and started drooling. Saw a video of Ace Combat 6 too, it looks pretty good. 16 player online dogfights :up:

    yea i'm downloading the ace combat demo right now cause i just read the review in the xbox magazine. looks ace. i love the fact you download demos, i've been playing the fifa and pro evo ones a lot to work out which one i want(still can't decide but fifa's on offer so it'll probably be that one).

  2. I had my first Xbox live game last night. I'm REALLY bad but it was good fun.

    Whats the deal with the mics? Do people hear everything you say? Even if your in a chat with another player?

    if you're in a chat then no, you have to be in the game channel.

  3. the reliability of the 360's have been greatly increased since launch. there are games out there which aren't based on shooting and football like viva pinata which is ace. if you like wargames then even better as the 360 has tons of great ones. there's a load of great rpg's available too like blue dragon and eternal sonata.

    199 is a great price for a premium console. i've never came close to filling the hard drive of my premium and quite happily use a vga cable and a crt monitor to get hd gaming without shelling out loads of cash on an hd tv.

  4. the best breakfast is at the illicit still or frankensteins but obviously they're not open at 8 but definitely worth a look for those mid morning hangovers. not cheap but it's a full full breakfast plus a pint, coffee and orange juice. mmm.

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